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Subject: Re: [wsn] Subscribe and GetCurrentMessage

David Hull <dmh@tibco.com> wrote on 11/22/2004 04:48:34 PM:

> One useful pub/sub paradigm involves the concept of notifications as updates to
> some collection of state.

Indeed, this is what WSRF-Resource Properties suggests.

> In such cases, it is useful to be able to take a
> snapshot of the state, then be notified of updates to that state.

Agreed.  GetResourcePropertyDocument, followed by a subscribe operation specifying
which Resource properties (bits of state) the consumer should receive value change

>  For example, the
> snapshot may include everything known about a financial instrument (its name, the
> latest relevant financial data from its governing regulatory body, the current
> price, the current trading volume, etc.).  Or a snapshot might be the largish
> result of a database query, while updates would be insertions, modifications or
> deletions involving small numbers of rows.

Indeed, this variability is precisely why we have a diverse range of "get" MEPS

> In both cases, some information changes frequently, but most changes seldom or
> remains constant.  Significant bandwidth and computation can be saved by sending
> only change information in the updates, instead of a replica of what the current
> snapshot would be.  In order for this to work smoothly, we would like the consumer
> to receive a snapshot, followed immediately by all and only all updates occurring
> after the snapshot was taken.

We (a different we perhaps) would prefer this to be a wsrf-rp:GetXXX followed by
a subscribe for value change on resource properties.

> We currently can't handle this situation.

Agreed. But WSRF in combination with WSN can.

>  First, GetCurrentMessage is defined as
> simply returning the last message for a given topic.  This is the latest update,
> not the latest snapshot (but see comment below).

Yep. Snapshot of a piece of state is handled within the realm of the TC that is
responsible for defining the notion of accessing stateful resources using Web services
ie WSRF.

> Second, there is currently no way
> to guarantee that the subscription receives all and only all relevant updates.

Very true.  Ability to detect each value change situation is a very large burden
and should not be assumed.

>  I
> think the best we can do on that front right now would be to stipulate that, if
> GetCurrentMessage and Subscribe are both wrapped in the same transaction (using
> whatever definition of transaction), then they are intended to be handled in the
> manner described above.  That requires the NotificationProducer to figure out what
> lies in the same transaction, examine the topics and determine identity.  It
> requires us to specify what happens if, say, more than one GetCurrentMessage
> appears within the same transaction, or if a GetCurrentMessage for a single topic
> overlaps a wildcard subscription, and so forth.

I am not sure this level of specificity is required.

> An alternative would be to add two boolean attributes to subscribe, say "wsn:
> snapshot" (default, false) and "wsn:update" (default, true).

> Update = true, snapshot = false is the present Subscribe semantics
> Update = false, snapshot = true is the present GetCurrentMessage semantics (or
> probably close enough -- see below)

> Update = true, snapshot = true means send the current snapshot, followed by all and
> only the relevant updates

> both false is a nop, and should probably fault
> Doing things this way makes the intent explicit in a single message, allowing a
> producer that can support it the ability to expose the transactionality it
> naturally has, without requiring fully general transaction support.

-1, this functionality can be achieved by appropriate combination of specs, there
is no reason to add this functionality to WS-BaseN.

> Only the first variant should be required.  A NotificationProducer MAY support the
> other two (and SHOULD advertise just exactly what it supports).
> I say "probably" above, because in the use cases where GetCurrentMessage currently
> makes sense, there is probably no distinction between snapshots and updates.  E.g.,
> if I want hurricane updates (which come every few hours), the "snapshot" is just
> the latest "update".  If anything more complicated is required, we're into queuing,
> replay, etc., which GetCurrentMessage isn't intended to support.
> For what it's worth, this also takes care of the question of faults.  With
> GetCurrentMessage and Subscribe subsumed by the same message, there is by
> definition only one set of faults.  Not a big deal, but the near-identity of faults
> is probably a significant clue that the two operations are different sides of the same coin.

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