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Subject: IEEE Computer article on Emerging Grid Standards

FYI, in case this article is of interest and has not been
referenced on this list.  If any of the experts here convened
find the article significantly flawed, I would appreciate
a note (off-list please: robin@oasis-open.org).  The text
quoted below is just an extract, of course.


Emerging Grid Standards
Mark Baker, Amy Apon, Clayton Ferner, Jeff Brown
IEEE Computer, Volume 38, Number 4 (April 2005), pages 43-50

Individual projects carried out to meet specific needs must interact
as part of a larger Grid environment, but no international consensus
exists as to which of the many ideas, proposed standards, and
specifications are likely to dominate in the future. As the Grid's
potential started to become a reality over the past few years, industry
has become increasingly involved. Commercial participation has
accelerated development of hardened, industrial-strength software that
supports Grid environments outside academic laboratories. This in turn
has impacted both the Grid's architecture and the associate protocols
and standards. The Global Grid Forum is the primary standards-setting
body for the Grid. The GGF works with many organizations throughout
industry that influence Grid standards and policies, including those
for security and virtual organizations. Other bodies include the
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
(OASIS), the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Distributed Management
Task Force (DMTF), the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I),
groups within Internet2 such as the Peer-to-Peer Working Group and the
Middleware Architecture Committee for Education, and the Liberty
Alliance. Despite the upcoming release of OGSA v2.0, some ongoing and
recently initiated Grid projects cannot wait for production
implementations of WSRF. Alternatives include WS-I's Basic Profile 1.0,
the Web Services Grid Application Framework (WS-GAF), and the Open
Middleware Infrastructure Institute's WS-I+. OGSA and WSRF represent
significant cooperation among researchers in academia, government, and
industry. These joint efforts point to a promising future for the Grid
regardless of the uncertainties, inconsistencies, and interoperability
problems developers currently face.


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