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Subject: Text for two new issues


Here'e my text for the two issues we agreed to raise on the last call:

First new Issue:

BaseNotification section 5.1.4  (line 993) says “To terminate a PullPoint
resource, a requestor MUST send a DestroyPullPoint request message to the
PullPoint.”. However elsewhere (884) we state that if a PullPoint is a
WS-Resource then it must implement the WSRF-RL immediate termination
interface. Why require such implementations to support an interface if
no-one is allowed to use it?  Note that the preceding sentence "The
PullPoint interface provides a destroy operation. providing a means by
which a requestor can terminate the PullPoint resource" says more or less
the same, but without the MUST.

Similarly  BrokeredNotification section 7.2 (line 687) says "To terminate
PublisherRegistrationManager resource, a requestor MUST send a
DestroyRegistration request message to the PublisherRegistrationManager.”

Approach Agreed:

Delete the following sentence from BaseN section 5.1.4  “To terminate a
PullPoint resource, a requestor MUST send a DestroyPullPoint request
message to the PullPoint.”
Delete the following sentence from BrokeredN section 7.2 "To terminate
PublisherRegistrationManager resource, a requestor MUST send a
DestroyRegistration request message to the PublisherRegistrationManager.”

Second new issue:

There is an inconsistency on the requirement to support the WSRF-RL
immediate termination interface in the case where a resource is a
WS-Resource (if it isn’t a WS-Resource then naturally there is no
requirement to support this interface at all).
PublisherRegistrationManagers that choose to be WS-Resources are required
(BrokeredN line 637) to support WSRF-RL immediate termination, as are
PullPoints (BaseN line 884). In contrast, WS-BaseN only recommends that
WS-Resource-style SubscriptionManagers support this interface (see BaseN

Approach Agreed:

Change the second paragraph of BaseN 6.4, so that Subscriptions are treated
in the same way as PullPoints and Publisher Registrations.

Current Text "It is RECOMMENDED that Subscription Managers that expose
Subscriptions as WS-Resources support the message exchanges and resource
properties defined for both forms of resource lifetime (immediate and
scheduled destruction) by WS-ResourceLifetime [WS-ResourceLifetime]. These
message exchanges MAY be used to define the means by which Subscription
resources can be explicitly destroyed, or destroyed using a scheduled
(time-based) mechanism. Such Subscription Managers MAY support other means
of destroying subscriptions. "

Replacement Text "If a SubscriptionManager exposes Subscriptions as
WS-Resources then these WS-Resources MUST support the immediate termination
interface defined by Web Services Resource Lifetime [WS-ResourceLifetime]
and MAY support the scheduled termination interface defined by Web Services
Resource Lifetime. Such Subscription Managers MAY support other means of
destroying Subscriptions. "

Peter Niblett
IBM Senior Technical Staff Member

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