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Subject: Notes from WSN-Policy 18 July


Here are the notes that I took from the discussion of Policy proposals in yesterday's conference call;

David Hull re-worked proposal:
Used the discussion from the last conference call to rework the proposal.
We might want to rephrase the wording of the 'unconstrained' bullet in order to make it clear that we aren't prohibiting other types of undefined behaviour, only suggesting what might happen in this mode. For example changing "equivalent" to "similar to".
In the "Atomic" bullet, stike "all", so "before t0, notifications for the subscription..."


Managing message rates
diff between 5 per second and no less than 0.2 seconds.
Peter wants more finegrained control (ie not Integer as a second)
Rate vs minimum interval.
Discussion of sustained vs burst capacity and whether we might be better to specify this property in those terms, or in addition to the existing minInterval approach.
Boxcarring and how it plays into this area.

Matt to provide alternative implementations of sustained vs burst options.


Discussion of issue over what to do if a multi element nodeset is returned from an expression. This will be discussed further at the next conf call.


Matt Roberts
IBM WebSphere Messaging Design and Development
Hursley Park, England. +44 1962 815444
MP 211 / DE3H22

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