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Subject: Re: [wsrf] question about property value cardinality

Thus quoth Keith Swenson (~ 05-May-04 7:21 AM ~)...

> Here is a citation from the notes of the Apr 28 meeting:
>     *Q:* (Fred) Is the resource properties value multi-valued
>     A: No.
[I being the "Fred" in question...]

The question more completely stated had to do with whether the 
wsrp:ResourceProperties attribute on the wsdl:portType element was 
multi-valued.  That is, was it possible to associate multiple resource 
property documents with a single portType.

Sorry for the misunderstanding...
> I don't understand this answer.  If the properties are only allowed to 
> be single valued, the simple Get/Put operations would be sufficient.  
> But WS-RP includes  Get/Update/Insert/Delete  operations.  This implied 
> to me multiple values, otherwise Update and Insert are only minimally 
> different.
> Can someone clarify why there are all four operations for single valued 
> properties?
Restating the above, properties can have multiples.  The question was 
about the wsrp:ResourceProperties attribute...

Hope that helps...


Fred Carter / AmberPoint, Inc.

tel:+1.510.433.6525 fax:+1.510.663.6301

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