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Subject: Fw: Minutes of the TC teleconference held on Monday 28th June

The minutes of the TC teleconference held on Monday 28th June are stored
at: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/download.php/7501 and
attached to this note as html.

I apologise in advance if the comments aren't all attributed to the right
persons; it's sometimes hard to recognise who's speaking on the
teleconference.  If you aren't credited when you think you should be (or
conversely) let me know and the minutes can be corrected. It also helps if,
during the call, you say your name occasionally before speaking.

(See attached file: WSRF TC [28June04] notes[1].htm)

Regards, Tim Banks
IBM TP Architecture & Technology. Hursley, UK.
Phone: External +44 1962 815639, Internal 245639
Title: WSRF TC notes

Notes from the OASIS WSRF TC Teleconference
June 28th 2004

Roll call


The roll call is kept on the TC web site under the meeting record.

See http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/event.php?event_id=4797



Approval of minutes from previous meeting


See: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/download.php/7266/


There were no comments on the minutes and no objections to approving them.


Confirmation of next call


NB: Due to US public holiday on 5th July, there is a change in the duration of the call on July 12th (to share the time with WS-N). The call will be 17:00-18:00 UK-Time.

(?) Is there a way to avoid these changes – by avoiding Mondays?

(DaveS) We already searched hard to find a mutually satisfactory time.

(?) Perhaps the schedule could be weekly for an hour?

(SteveG) But the roll call takes 15 mins – leaves little time from an hour.


Acceptance of New Issues

(Bryan) A new step has been added to the issue closing process (See http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/download.php/7439/WSRF_IssuesList.doc)


Namely, that  ‘The completion of the changes must be reported by the primary editor and verified by the secondary editor (or other TC member)’


(DaveS) Proposed: to accept this new process.  There were no objections.


(Bryan) The issue describing  ‘Simple WSDL Schema changes”  is complete – needs to be checked (per new process).

Action: ?


Issue 49: Use of Pseudo-schema in specs


Action: Move to Open.


Issue 50: Common faults Namespace


Action: Move to Open.


Issue 51: WS-AtomicTransaction

(see  http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200406/msg00059.html


 and http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200406/msg00085.html)


(Ian) The issue is to be inclusive of multiple specs (don’t single one out)

Action: (Bryan) – add this point to the issue.


Action: More to Open.


Issue 52: Delete will always fault


See http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200406/msg00102.html



Action: Move to Open.

Issue 53: WSRP namespace

(see http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200406/msg00098.html)


Action: Move to Open.



Status of Published Documents


 (Ian) The home page points to all the new specs and WSDLs.


 Ballot result was: 86% Yes, 14% Abstain with 70% Quorum.


Other Action Review


(ALL)               Ballot for working drafts closes 18th July. Please review and ballot. Done

(Bryan)            Change status of issue 6 to “resolved”  Done

(Jeff)                Raise new issue to describe the need for description of notation. Done

(SteveG)          Send a sample property to illustrate maxoccurs>1 (ref Issue 15)

                        to the mailing list for consideration. Done

(Bryan/Ian)      Formulate the proposal for Issue 16 and publish to mailing list. Done

(SamM)           Clarify Issue 48 and propose resolution via mailing list. Done

(William)         Write proposed recommendation to combining the ops for Issue 23. Done

 (Bryan)           Remove cross reference from Issue 21 to issue 32 (which has been closed)


(GlenDaniels) Write and publish an expanded the proposal for Issue 21 (treating this

separately from Issue 23). This proposal should spell out the

operations and why they should be split. Action: Carry forward (see discussion below).

(SteveG)          Re issue 23 - write a justification for the status quo (of split operations

for query) and publish to mailing list. Action: Carry forward (see discussion below)

(SteveG)          Provide a summary of options to resolve issue 9. Done.

(Ian)                Investigate a non-toll-free number for US access.  Action: continue to investigate

(Ian)                Add F2F details to TC calendar. Done

Issue review


Issue 15: [Example of maxoccurs>1]


(SteveG) CIM Model for storage media provided a couple of examples detailed here:




(DaveS) Proposed: to move the issue to ‘Resolved’ awaiting review.  No objections.

Action: move to resolved.



Issue 16: [Property to advertise Query expression dialects]


(Bryan)  proposed the resolution described here:




Q(DaveS) there has to be minoccurs=1 so that the operation works?

A(Bryan) yes.


(DaveS) Proposed: to adopt the solution. There were no objections

Action: move to resolve.


Issue 48: [nillable properties]


Discuss proposal from Sam M.


 http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/wsrf/200406/msg00049.html + Threads


Discussion Postponed to next meeting.


Issue 21 & 23: [Factoring of set/inquire operations]

Discussion based on completed actions from William, Bryan, Glen, and Steve.






(DaveS) OGSI had getProperty and GetMultipleProperties

(Glen) We need to keep this simple so that people don’t feel motivated to invent their own.

(?) This can be done with a dialect in a more generic op.

(Glen) But this has to be wrapped in a generic operation.

(SteveG) Yes, we need to keep simple things simple.

(TimB) We lose the return codes if things are wrapped in a generic op.

(SteveG) There are ways to describe return codes.

(DaveS) the first implementation would be to wrap up the simple gets.

Q(IanR) What are the objections to having three operations?

A(Bryan) Three interfaces seems more complicated than one.

(TimB) But only one of the operations is mandatory.

Q(DaveS) Do we need more debate?

A(DaveO) Yes – I’m not sure about the proposals or the tradeoffs.

(DaveS) The issue seems to be the simplicity of the minimal implementation vs the simplicity of the maximally configured interface.

(DaveO) About XPath.– the results are an xml document, so may contain bits of the original – it may not validate.

(?)  That’s right.

(DaveO) So, is this generic structure valid? – a subset may be valid: a resource, a set of properties or a single property.

(DaveS) The returned document depends on the dialect and the query, which is complicated. This seems (IMHO) to favour the three operations.

(DaveS) Is there still a need for discussion?

(William) I’m happy.

(DaveS) Then we need to vote. Those who want a single op, speak up.

(4 votes)

(DaveS) Abstentions?

(8 votes)

(DaveS) In favour of 3 ops?

(8 votes)

(DaveS) Do we have a quorum?

(MartinC) A quorum is not needed on the vote, so this means the matter is resolved in favour of the three ops.


(DaveS) Moved that issue 23 is resolved. We just need to check that the doc is right (unchanged).


Now for issue 21 (split up the SetResourceProperties operations)


(Glen) The simple implementation is to have separate insert/delete/update. We shouldn’t require complex boxcar stuff.

(?) Right. We can add in the atomicity properties later.

Q(DaveS) Why were there not three ops in the first place?

A(SteveG) From OGSI?  However the three ops seems good as a new option.

Q(William) If we had the three, why would we need the boxcar method.?

A(SteveG) To reduce the number of round trips.

(DaveS) Let’s talk about adding the three first, (Also need to talk about semantics of multiple ops vs the boxcar)

(Glen) We are specifying something whose semantics are up in the air.

(SteveG) So should we talk about the policy statements?

(Glen) Better to talk abut the simple ops first.

(MartinC) The box car is a hands-off approach to semantics – it’s an application issue.

(DaveO) So… let’s have a ‘do it’ op and the rest is application defined.

(SteveG) SetResourceProperties is optional.

(Igor) Need to clarify support for insert/update/delete vs boxcar – which can a client assume is supported? – it’s complicated. On the other hand, the simple operations seem prerequisite to the boxcar.

(SteveG) Can we get input from WSDM?


Action: Carry forward discussion to next call (Ian). Get input from WSDM (DaveS/William)


Issue 9 (API to List Properties)


Postponed to next meeting.


Any Other Business





Meeting closed 13:30 EDT.


Summary of actions

(Chairs) Continue to investigate conference call access numbers for US participants.

(IanR) Review resolution of ‘Simple WSDL/Schema changes’ issue (see last page of issues document)

(Bryan) Move issues 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53 to ‘Open’ status, and incorporate Ian’s proposal into issue 51.

(Bryan) Move issues 15, 16 and 23 to ‘Resolved’.

(?any?) Verify the resolution of issue 21 (ie doc is unchanged).

(DaveS/William) Gather input from WSDM on requirements re issue 21 (need for boxcar ‘Set’ operation).

(Chairs)  Continue discussion of Issues 21, 9, 48.

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