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Subject: Fw: Minutes of the TC teleconference held on Monday 9th August


The minutes of the TC teleconference held on Monday 9th August are stored
at: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/8656  and attached to
this note.

(See attached file: WSRF TC [9Aug04] notes[1].htm)

Regards, Tim Banks

Title: WSRF TC notes

Notes from the OASIS WSRF TC Teleconference on
9th August 2004


Roll call


The roll call is kept on the TC web site under the meeting record.

See http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/event.php?event_id=4800


Approval of minutes from Face-to-Face meeting (27/28th July)


See: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/8607/


There were no comments and no objections to approving the minutes.


Other Action Review


(Bryan) Re-categorize issue 48 as an application note. Done
(AlanW) Create an issue to discuss the creation of a ‘Usage Notes’ (Primer) document. Done.
(SteveG) Propose text to resolve issue 4. Carried Forward
(MartinC) Raise a new issue to address Schema discovery on a dynamic property, including the cardinality within the RP document. Done.
(TomM) Write resolution for issue 10. Carried Forward
(MartinC) Raise an issue to elucidate the meaning of ‘default’ to (separate this from issue 10). Done.
Bryan) Move issues 56 through to 60 to ‘open’ state. Done
Bryan) Move new issues from the meeting to ‘open’ state. Done
Bryan) Raise new issue to describe requirement for aggregation operations. Done
Bryan) In issue 1, record WSDM’s interest and add the requirement to normatively describe the portType aggregations process. Done
(Igor, Anish and SteveG.) Create new document to abstractly describe the implied resource pattern and what it means to satisfy it (etc). In Progress
(Sam) Raise a new issue to consider an identity mechanism. Carried Forward
(Chairs) Upload new issue priorities list to web site.

Acceptance of New Issues to the issue list.


Issue 62: Basic Profile conformance

(?) Aren’t  the specs already conformant?

(Anish) Maybe, but we should keep an eye on them as things evolve.

(Dave) Any objections to accepting the issue?


Action: (Bryan) Move to open


Issue 63: Lifetime attributes (ala OGSI) for resource properties.

Action: (Bryan) Move to open


Issue 64: Rules for schema defaults


Action: (Bryan) Move to open



Discussion Topics identified at the end of our F2F

Requirements document

(DavidL) There should be something next week. Review at the next call.

Action: (Ian) Add Agenda item to review requirements doc at the next call.


App notes document

(AlanW) Solicitation for collaborators made via mailing list. Draft outline proposed.

Action: (Ian) Add Agenda item to review outline of app notes doc at the next call.


Schedule for the interop

(Ian) We need an agreed scenario document, and we need a committee draft to drive the interop implementations.

(DaveS) At the next face-to-face we need to discuss the scenario doc and the schedule.

Issues review

WSRF48: Specify behavior of nillable properties

(AlanW) This should show up in the App Notes document.

(Bryan) Currently the issue is open against that doc.

(DaveS) Keep it that way for now.

WSRF1: Interface association is lost with the required aggregation model
(SteveG) The problem is that when portType creation has been done, we end up with a most derived portType, but no way to detect its origin from other component portTypes. In WSDM it has been suggested to (1) decorate the portType with an attribute to list the origins. This is similar to how it will end up in WSDL 2.0, and prepares the way. Another option is to (2) decorate operations or (3) to list associations in a resource property. (+… see issue text)

(DaveS) This would help tooling which exploits WSDL 1.1: the basic use case is discovery.

(??) (Discussion about uniqueness of operation names)

(WilliamV) We need the operation names to be unique, so the operation name will correlate with one of the originating interfaces.

 (DaveS) There seems no additional information contained in options (2) or (3) over option (1).   

(SteveG) Tooling can display the operations in WSDL 1.1. The migration into WSDL 2.0 is simply to remove the operations in favour of the extension mechanism.

(DaveS) The consensus seems to be to go with option 1 (Attribute on portType). The semantics of the attribute need to be spelled out.

(No Objections)

Action: (SteveG) Make proposal for text.

(SteveG) Should this go in the RP document?

(WilliamV) It should go as an appendix and then can move elsewhere if needed.

Action: (Bryan) Move issue to resolved.


WSRF20: Notification message format not clear

(DaveS) This seems to be about notification – can’t we punt it to WS-N?

(GlenD) WS-N leaves it open. The receiver of a property change event might not be able to tell where what property has changed. The text doesn’t explain the need to search the body of the message to find the element. It’s an interoperability issue.

(DaveS) Is this is issue going to be considered by WS-N?

(WilliamV) Notification is not going to solve this.

 (WilliamV) We could add that it’s the first occurrence of the element which describes the change, open content textually following can contain following/related notifications.

(DaveS) We need to say that if an event is wrapped, the semantics of the wrapping will need to determine how to retrieve the values.

Action: (Glen) Propose wording to mailing list.

(DaveS) Issue is unresolved until the text is considered.




WSRF24: XPath evaluations in namespaces defined or not

(WilliamV) Namespace abbreviations may exist outside of xml scope, so what do they mean?

(SteveG) But in WSRF uses, xml always exists.

(WilliamV)  Should I look only on the current xml element, or all the elements in scope? If things are added, prefixes may appear which weren’t anticipated. So, we should only observe prefixes that are in the current element.

(SteveG) Is this a best practice requirement?

(Jeff) There is a tie-up with WS-security here. We need to avoid ambiguities between creation and processing of digital signatures cause by namespace changes as elements are wrapped.

(DaveS) The re-specification of the namespace in each element seems safest. For xPath this is the xPath itself or the query expression wrapper.

(Jeff) We can’t say that it must be declared lower down – since there are syntax rules to deduce namespaces from higher scopes. Some tools exploit this and remove lower level namespace declarations.

Action: (WilliamV) Start a mailing list discussion.

Action: (Ian) Continue discussion next telecom.



Meeting closed:  1:30pm.


Summary of actions

(SteveG) Propose text to resolve issue 4. (Carried fwd from f2f)

(TomM) Write resolution for issue 10. (Carried fwd from f2f)

(Sam) Raise a new issue to consider an identity mechanism. (Carried fwd from f2f)

(Bryan) Move issues 62 through to 64 to Open.

(Chairs) Add agenda item for next face-to-face: discuss the scenario doc and the schedule.

(Ian) Add Agenda item for the next call to approve outline for the Requirements doc

(Ian) Add Agenda item for the next call to approve outline for the App Notes doc

(SteveG) Make a proposal for text to resolve issue 1 (Origins of interface aggregation) to mailing list.

(Bryan) Move issue 1 to resolved.

(Glen) Propose wording to resolve issue 20 (Notification message format) to mailing list.

(WilliamV) Start a mailing list discussion for issue 24 (xpath Namepsace).

(Ian) Continue discussion next telecom.



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