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Subject: Re: [wsrm] Ack message and Fault message


iwasa wrote:

> Additional information.
> Currently section 3.1 states:
> "The MessageHeader element MUST be present for Reliable Message, PollRequest
> message, Acknowledgment message, or Fault message. The MessageHeader element
> includes basic information to be used for a reliable message. This element
> includes the following attributes and child elements:"

 The above sentence is indeed correct. We ALWAYS need MessageHeader for
 every RM message be it a Request, Ack. Response or a Fault message.

> So Ack and Fault message MUST include
> MessageHeader element, according to the current spec.
> Is that what we want? I think we should remove

 Yes, that's what we want. Why do you felt that this have to be removed?

> "Acknowledgment message" and "Fault message"
> from this sentence.


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