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Subject: Question on wsdl operation support

the current spec states the following: in lines 751 thru 757:
2.9 WSDL Operation Type
This specification supports Reliable Messaging capabilities for WSDL 1.1 
[WSDL 1.1] One-way
and Request-response operation types only. While a Request-reponse 
operation can use any of
the three RM-Reply patterns to receive acknowledgments or faults, an 
One-way operation can
only use either Callback or Poll RM-Reply pattern. See the table below 
for a complete support

This, and the table, are not correct.

A wsdl RequestResponse operation could have a payload in the response.  
If there is a payload,  the poll response has no way to return a batch 
of payloads.

Also, if we want to batch acks , then we have the same problem, in that 
we cannot return batched response payload from the wsdl
requeste response.

Thus I thinke we have to change the table to have callback and polling 
not supported for Request/response wsdl operations.

Tom Rutt

Tom Rutt		email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@fsw.fujitsu.com
Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

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