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Subject: Re: [wsrm] Detailed proposal to allow Batching of Acks and RM faultsusing ResponseReply pattern.

Tom Rutt <tom@coastin.com> wrote at Fri, 20 Feb 2004 22:44:23 -0500:
> Sunil Kunisetty wrote:
> >Tom Rutt wrote:
> >>Replace the last two sentence in the above quoted text with the following:
> >>“
> >>Acknolwedgements or RM fault indications for former requests MAY also be
> >>included in the response,
> >>if they were unable to be returned in their own responses.
> >
> > -1.
> >
> > In R-R case, when the Sender doesn't receive a response, they will
> > generally do a retry. So I don't see a need to support this use case.
> If the ack was not able to be sent due to lost transport connection, 
> then the receving rmp may want to
> send the ack with the response to a future reliable message.

It is true that it may be useful to resend a lost Acknowledgment in a
subsequent reliable message, but I don't know that it is all that
useful to do so when the Acknowledgment is for a message sent using
the Response reply pattern.

In the Request/Response operation (not One-Way), you would expect that
the sending application blocks until it receives a response to its

If the Request/Response message is sent using the Response reply
pattern, you would also expect both the Acknowledgment and the
response to the payload message to be in the HTTP response to the sent
Reliable message.

If the HTTP response is lost or not able to be sent due to a lost
transport connection, sending the Acknowledgment in a subsequenct
reliable message maybe helps the RMP but doesn't help the application.

If, for the Response reply pattern, the response is lost, all that
should be expected is that the sending RMP retries.


Tony Graham
Web Products, Technologies and Standards           Phone: +353 1 8199708
Sun Microsystems                                              x(70)19708
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