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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: [wsrp-interfaces] Re: [wsia][wsrp][wsrp-wsia joint interfaces]: Analternative

I see a number of changes in this relative to the draft we have been

- A rearranging of the parameters passed. We have gotten far enough to work
on exactly what these parameters should be let alone how they should be
packaged & I think this should be an input to that discussion.

- Dropping the arrays. Again, the discussion has barely begun on whether
the interface should carry these directly or whether any such parallelisms
should be sought out of future evolutions of the lower levels of the web

- Having the Consumer generate the transient entity ref rather than the
Producer. While this eliminates 1 operation, it primarily is a shift of who
is required to manage a dual key. If the Producer generates the transient
entity ref, the Consumer has to manage the entityRef / sessionID as a dual
key. If the Consumer generates the transient entity ref, the Producer has
to manage consumerRef / entityRef as a dual key while the Consumer either
still manages the entityRef/sessionID as a dual key or uses an algorithm to
regenerate the entityRef portion of the dual key. I see little value and a
lot of downside to requiring the Producer to manage a dual key.

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