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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] [wsia][wsia-wsrp joint interfaces] Better namefor 'markupParams'?

How about "Navigational State" or simply "Location" ?

Best regards,


Rich Thompson/Watson/IBM@IBMUS on 07/23/2002 07:09:12 PM

To:    wsrp-interfaces@lists.oasis-open.org, wsia@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject:    [wsrp-interfaces] [wsia][wsia-wsrp joint interfaces] Better
       name for 'markupParams'?

As mentioned on the Joint interfaces call, at the F2F we invented
'markupParams' to fill the role of the URL in the web app world. As a
result these reflect the navigational state for this particular entity (ie.
they make refresh and bookmarks work). We have discussed expanding the role
of these and the recent state discussions have suggested that this causes
various problems and is a creep that likely happened due to the unfortunate
name choice we made.

Any suggestions for a better name that only implies this navigational

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