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Subject: RE: [Fwd: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Import_Export.html uploaded]



I had a few questions/comments.  If appropriate, we can discuss some of these during the conference call rather than over e-mail:


  1. There are a few places in which you return a “reason” of type String describing a single failure during a bulk operation.  Would it make sense, instead, to use the Fault type?  This would allow the reuse of the faults thrown during the non bulk operations.  This would lead to consistency and easier implementation.
  2. In the first paragraph of the getPortletStates() operation, the following is stated:


Producers that don't already return their portlets persistent state in each response carrying a PortletContext MUST be prepared to receive and handle this call.  Consumers MUST only make this call for those portlets it isn't already maintaining the portletState for on behalf of the producer.”


This is a little unclear to me.  Are you trying to state the following:

a.      If a Producer does not use consumer side persistence, it must be prepared to receive and handle this call

b.      If a Producer does use consumer side persistence, but, for a particular portlet, it has not sent portlet state to the consumer, it must be prepared to receive this call

c.      A consumer must only make this call for those portlets for which it is not storing any state, whether the associated producer is using consumer side or producer side persistence.


Essentially, I’m trying to clarify the case when a producer is using consumer side persistence, but, for a particular portlet, no state has been sent.


  1. “Consumers should be aware that calls to getPortletStates() may be costly and should break large requests into chunks.    Producers are free to evaluate the cost of any given request and adjust the number of portlets it satisfies with a successful response...”  This is a bit awkward, since different producers will set different limits.  How does a consumer know how large a chunk is too large?  Also, it doesn’t seem very useful to have a Producer spend cycles filling the response with nil values.  Especially since the Consumer will either stop after the first one that fails or, if it was being very robust, spend time cycling through all of them.  I would propose either of the following:


    1. Have the producer provide a limit somewhere in the ServiceDescription.  If the limit is exceeded, the Producer can throw a Fault
    2. Simply have the producer throw a Fault.  The producer can probably evaluate the number of requested responses at the start of the operation and determine that there are too many.  The consumer can then act on the fault by splitting up the request.  


  1. Import – It’s not clear how this solves the case when the publishing is occurring for the second time.  In other words, you’ve pushed the portlets to production, make some changes on the staging machine, and then push them to production again.  It seems like the users’ customizations would be lost, since you’re creating another clone from the POP.




From: Michael Freedman [mailto:Michael.Freedman@oracle.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 9:47 AM
To: interfaces
Subject: [Fwd: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Import_Export.html uploaded]


FYI ... this is a draft strawman of the API to support import/export.  We will discuss this in next Wednesdays concall.

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[wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Import_Export.html uploaded


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