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Subject: Groups - Interfaces Concall modified

Interfaces Concall has been modified by Mr Michael Freedman

Date:  Thursday, 30 November 2006
Time:  08:00am - 09:30am PT

Event Description:
1-888-967-2253 or +44 118 924 9000 (Europe)
meeting ID: 345337
passcode: 060606


1) v2 IPR statements:
IBM: almost finished the plan is to forward to us sometime next week.

WebCollage:  Haven't reviewed v2 yet and aren't currently planning on updating their statement. We asked Rich how the e-mail was worded and it turns out to have been ambiguous.  It asked for a statement concerning both v1 and v2.  We have asked Rich to recontact WebCollage and specifically ask/request for an update/clarification with regards to their v1 statement.
 -- Rich will e-mail/call Eilon for clarifaction and inform us be end of day tomorrow on status.  We have vote closing on Monday ot open a ballot.  This is currently in jeopardy pending Rich's follow-up.

2) Ajax
Mike F. sent an e-mail two weeks ago concerning JSF use of Ajax.  He indicated:  JSF views such operations as actions but for a variety of reasons needs the render to occur in the same request as the action.  He suggested we consider a fragment model that extends PBI by demanding/expecting markup returned from the call (and no subsequent render).  However if consumer's feel too much state has changed then they can follow up with a full render (not a fragment render).  Subbu will write a more formal detailed proposal including these comments for us to consider.

Next concall to discuss this is January 11th though there may be time to discuss in the TC call in mid-December.  JSR 286 meets in mid-January, hoping to resolve its Ajax support.  Hence its important we have a solid roadmap by then.  Please consider Subbu's write-up once presented and use e-mail/comments to drive further ahead of the January call.

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PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar
SUMMARY:Interfaces Concall
DESCRIPTION:1-888-967-2253 or +44 118 924 9000 (Europe)\nmeeting ID:
  345337\npasscode: 060606\n\nGroup: WSRP Interfaces SC\nCreator: Mr
  Michael Freedman

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