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Subject: [wsrp-wsia][I#NEW] Proposed new Consumer runtime rendering contex t

I understand Mike Freedman is summarizing JSR 168 issues on this list for
next week's meeting and will mention two options for carrying a Window /
View / Portlet Identifier in our protocol (in consumer to producer markup
interface requests), the second option being related to a more general
proposal that I wish to place on the table:

Topic:  Missing rendering context and runtime environment identification 
Class:  Technical
Title:  Proposed new Consumer runtime rendering context
Proposed by: Andre Kramer
Date: 31-Oct-2002
Document Section: 5
JSR 168 requires some additional identification of runtime rendering views
of WSRP entities (see issue #124). I believe some related additional runtime
information is common and valuable. 
As well as a PortletID (a unique consumer name for rendered view(s)), an
identifier for the consumer page (or panel) aggregation / layout unit is
expected to be commonly useful.
There remains also the protocol layering issue that producer grouping (for
session sharing) is reflected only at the transport level and is not tracked
by methods in the markup interface. All these can be collected in a new
Runtime(Render)Context structure:

ProtocolStructure: RuntimeContext [R] {
[R] String portletId;  // Consumer-side rendering instance identification
[O] String layoutId;   // Consumer-side page aggregation / layout group
[R] Any environmentId; // Producer-side shared session tracking blob
                       // (or require null value, as returned by
[O] Any extensions; }

ProtocolMethods affected:

(environmentId, extensions) <-- initEnvironment(registrationContext,
interactionResponse <-- performInteraction(refHandle, runtimeContext, ...);
markupResponse <-- getMarkup(refHandle, runtimeContext, ...);
possibly deleteRefHandle(>0.8) also

The consumer MUST return the environmentId, as returned by (groupId
determined) initEnvironment(), in a RuntimeContext element on each
(initEnvironment grouped) performInteraction and getMarkup. The consumer
SHOULD (a JSR 168 MUST) supply a unique identifier that indicates the client
side view(s) that the entity is being rendered into (or for the locus of
interaction). The consumer MAY provide additional layout information that
uniquely identifies the layout grouping the view is contained in, using the
layoutId field in the supplied RuntimeContext. The portletID and layoutID
ids SHOULD be unique in the context of a consumer (MAY be URIs or uuids).

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