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Subject: Re: [wsrp][interfaces and protocols]: Agenda for 4/11

Mike - my comments are included.

Best regards
Carsten Leue

Dr. Carsten Leue
Dept.8288, IBM Laboratory Böblingen , Germany
Tel.: +49-7031-16-4603, Fax: +49-7031-16-4401

|         |           Michael Freedman  |
|         |           <Michael.Freedman@|
|         |           oracle.com>       |
|         |                             |
|         |           04/11/2002 01:00  |
|         |           AM                |
|         |           Please respond to |
|         |           Michael Freedman  |
|         |                             |
  |                                                                                                                                             |
  |       To:       WSRP <wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org>                                                                                            |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                                   |
  |       Subject:  [wsrp][interfaces and protocols]: Agenda for 4/11                                                                           |
  |                                                                                                                                             |
  |                                                                                                                                             |

   For Thursday conference call I would like to go over the operations I
identified in the e-mail I sent last Saturday and classify each by
answering the following two questions:

Axis 1:  Is this a valid Portal operation that may need to interact via
WSRP with a portlet?

     Yes, we all agree this a valid operation
     No, we all agree this is not a valid operation
     Maybe, there is debate whether this is a valid operation.
     Don't know, we need more information and discussion to understand the
operation before classifying it.

Axis 2: Should this operation be covered/enabled by our spec?

     Yes, we all agree.
     Yes, but it should be addressed in a later revision.
     No, we all agree.
     Maybe, there is debate whether we should address this.
     Don't know, we need more information to decide.

During the call there will be opportunities to request clarifications as
well as introduce new (unidentified) operations.  To facilitate the meeting
could each of you make your own pass over the list and mark each with how
you would answer the 2 questions?

Here is the list:

State 0:  Portlet Service Unknown
      You can bind to a service (see State 1).

      <cl> yes </cl>

State 1:  Portlet Service becomes known
      Portlet Service Operations:
            Acquire portlet meta data
                  establish portal identify
                  establish trust relationship
                  negotiate behavior
      <cl> yes </cl>
            Create portlet (template) instance
      <cl> yes for the instance - from my opinion the templates should be
      on top of WSRP, not in the base protocol </cl>

State 2: Portlet Service Active
      Portlet template operations:
            You can use a portlet template to create a portlet instance.
            The portlet template defines the initial settings of the
            portlet instance.
            You can modify the portlet template's settings to change its
            default/defined behavior.
             You can copy a portlet template.  By copy it is meant that a
            second portlet template comes into being (within the toolbox)
            with its settings being a duplicate of the template it was
            copied from (vs. the initial default settings defined by the
            portlet service).
            You can delete the portlet template.
            You can migrate a portlet template.  By migrate it is meant
            that controlling portal can transfer the portlet template to
            another portal.
            You can upgrade a portlet template to a new version.
      <cl> no - templates should be on top of WSRP </cl>
      Portlet instance operations:
            You can modify the portlet instance's settings to personalize
            its behavior.  There are an arbitrary set of personalization
            levels defined by the particular portal.  The levels are
            hierarchical.  The deepest personalization level that has any
            overriding values controls the user's view.
            You can copy a portlet instance.  By copy it is meant that a
            second portlet instance comes into being with its
            personalization data being a duplicate of the instance it was
            copied from.
            You can clone a portlet instance.  By close it is meant that a
            second portlet instance comes into being with its
            personalization data being shared with the portlet it was
            cloned from.
            You can convert a portlet instance into a portlet template.
      <cl> no </cl>
            You can migrate a portlet instance.  By migrate it is meant
            that controlling portal can transfer the portlet instance to
            another portal.
      <cl> what's the difference to cloning </cl>
            You can upgrade a portlet instance to a new version.
      <cl> why would this be necessary? the service is already remote and
      could update itself </cl>
            You can delete a portlet instance.
            You can request a portlet instance render its portlet content.
            You can request a portlet instance render a link reference to
      <cl> is this necessary? </cl>
            You can request a portlet instance render help information.
            You can request a portlet instance render "about" information.
            You can request a portlet instance render its personalization
            You can perform "actions" on a portlet instance.  [Mike -- this
            is a placeholder until I understand better what folks
            want/expect actions to be and do]
            You can send an event to a portlet instance.
      <cl> we need to work out the difference between events and actions
      and should concentrate on one concept for the base WSRP functionality
      Portlet service operations:
            You can request a service be taken offline.
      <cl> maybe </cl>
State 3: Portlet Service Inactive
      Portlet service operations:
            You can request a service come back online.
      <cl> maybe </cl>
Random state: Portlet Service upgraded
      Portlet service operations
            Acquire (new) meta data
            (re)negotiate behavior
      <cl> maybe </cl>

The conference call details are the same as last week:
     US toll free: 877-302-8255
     Outside US: +1 303-928-2609

     Conference ID: 8814427

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