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Subject: RE: [wsrp] Navigation params comments

Looks good to me. I think that makes it very clear.

From: Rich Thompson [mailto:richt2@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [wsrp] Navigation params comments

I like the idea of adding a table describing the different types of state. I think another describing the different coordination mechanisms would also be useful. I have made a start on two such appendices (I think an appendix is the right place as it is really commentary on a particular portion of the spec rather than definitional.

Thoughts? comments?


Michael Freedman <michael.freedman@oracle.com>

12/15/05 04:23 PM

OASIS WSRP TC <wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org>
Re: [wsrp] Navigation params comments

  Yes, we should clarify its use.  I just finished a conversation with some folks in my development team where they completely missed needing to use navigational parameters as inputs to internal state.  Rather they equated them more with the current navigational state concept which holds state.  One of the developers suggested providing a table that includes all the mechanisms and lists such factors as whether it represents managed state or not, whether its for interportlet comm or not, etc.

Rich Thompson wrote:

By the way, sections numbers are always handy ... your page 29 resolves to section 5.1.17 on page 30 for me.

My comments:

a. The TC decided that "
it is always a Consumer choice to supply them (navigationParameters) on a particular invocation". The direct fallout of this is that the navigationParameterDescription is not allowed to require supplying if a particular item. This results in a model where the Consumer only supplies new values when they occur and the Portlet. Perhaps what is missing is a more concrete description (both here and in 6.1.11) that navigationParameters are simply an input which the Portlet SHOULD then store in its navigational state.

b. This sentence is providing guidance about how navigationParameters are shared between portlets, but is explicitly noting that the guidance likely doesn't apply when two portlets customized from the same POP within the sharing scope (likely the page).


Subbu Allamaraju <subbu@bea.com>

12/14/05 03:06 PM

OASIS WSRP TC <wsrp@lists.oasis-open.org>
[wsrp] Navigation params comments

Two questions/comments on the navigationParameterDescriptions (page 29
of draft 12):

a. There is a statement that says that

"As such, regardless of the values in the PropertyDescription‘s
capabilities field, navigationParameters are always modifiable and

Does not this weaken the notion of wsrp:required capability?

b. The intent of the next sentence is not clear to me.

"While Consumer policy governs what navigation parameters are supplied
to each invocation of a Portlet, Consumers SHOULD supply the same value
to Portlets which are related to distinct Producer offered portlet
handles and provide a navigationParameterDescription referencing the
same QName for the parameter’s name."

I think what we want to say is that the consumer should try to supply
the same value to any portlet with a matching name as specified in
navigationParameterDescription. How about changing this text to the

"While Consumer policy governs what navigation parameters are supplied
to each invocation of a Portlet, Consumers SHOULD supply the same value
to any portlet with the same QName for the parameter's name as specified
in the portlet's navigationParameterDescription."


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