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Subject: XSD - Spec comparison

as discussed on thursday, we did a thorough review again and found the
following shown in the table below.
Should we have a TC call to discuss that?

|Extension                           |  <complexType name="Extension">    |
| [O] Object any                     |    <sequence>                      |
|                                    |      <any namespace="##other"      |
|                                    |processContents="lax"/>             |
|                                    |    </sequence>                     |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|any payload required otherwise we   |                                    |
|had an empty extension element      |                                    |
|LocalizedString                     | <complexType                       |
| [R] string xmlLang                 |name="LocalizedString">             |
| [R] string value                   |    <sequence>                      |
| [O] string resourceName            |      <element name="value"         |
|                                    |type="xsd:string"/>                 |
|                                    |    </sequence>                     |
|                                    |    <attribute ref="xml:lang"       |
|                                    |use="optional"/>                    |
|                                    |    <attribute name="resourceName"  |
|                                    |type="xsd:string"/>                 |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|                                    |                                    |
|                                    |xml:lang should be required,        |
|                                    |resourceName should have            |
|                                    |use="optional"                      |
|MarkupType                          |  <complexType name="MarkupType">   |
| [R] string mimeType                |    <sequence>                      |
| [R] string modes[]                 |      <element name="mimeType"      |
| [R] string windowStates[]          |type="xsd:string"/>                 |
| [O] string locales[]               |      <element name="modes"         |
| [O] Extension extensions           |type="xsd:string"                   |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|Should be [O] Extension extensions[]|      <element name="windowStates"  |
|instead                             |type="xsd:string"                   |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |      <element name="locales"       |
|                                    |type="xsd:string"      minOccurs="0"|
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |      <element name="extensions"    |
|                                    |type="types:Extension" minOccurs="0"|
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |    </sequence>                     |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|EventDescription                    | <complexType                       |
| [R] QName name                     |name="EventDescription">            |
| [O] QName aliases[]                |    <sequence>                      |
| [O] QName type                     |      <element name="aliases"       |
| [O] anyURI schemaLocation          |type="xsd:QName"                    |
| [O] ModelTypes schemaType          |minOccurs="0"                       |
| [O] LocalizedString description    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
| [O] LocalizedString hint           |      <element name="description"   |
| [O] LocalizedString label          |type="types:LocalizedString"        |
| [O] Extension extensions           |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|                                    |      <element name="label"         |
|Should be [O] Extension extensions[]|type="types:LocalizedString"        |
|instead                             |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|                                    |      <element name="hint"          |
|                                    |type="types:LocalizedString"        |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|                                    |      <element name="schemaType"    |
|                                    |type="types:ModelTypes"             |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|                                    |      <element name="extensions"    |
|                                    |type="types:Extension"              |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"                       |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |    </sequence>                     |
|                                    |    <attribute name="name"          |
|                                    |type="xsd:QName"  use="required"/>  |
|                                    |    <attribute name="type"          |
|                                    |type="xsd:QName"  use="optional"/>  |
|                                    |    <attribute name="schemaLocation"|
|                                    |type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>  |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|PropertyDescription                 |  <complexType                      |
| [R] QName name                     |name="PropertyDescription">         |
| [R] QName type                     |    <sequence>                      |
| [O] anyURI schemaLocation          |      <element name="description"   |
| [O] LocalizedString description    |type="types:LocalizedString"        |
| [O] LocalizedString label          |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
| [O] LocalizedString hint           |      <element name="label"         |
| [O] string usage[]                 |type="types:LocalizedString"        |
| [O] QName aliases[]                |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
| [O] Extension extensions           |      <element name="hint"          |
|                                    |type="types:LocalizedString"        |
|Should be [O] Extension extensions[]|minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|instead                             |      <element name="usage"         |
|                                    |type="xsd:string"                   |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"                       |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |      <element name="aliases"       |
|                                    |type="xsd:QName"                    |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"                       |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |      <element name="extensions"    |
|                                    |type="types:Extension"              |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"                       |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |    </sequence>                     |
|                                    |    <attribute name="name"          |
|                                    |type="xsd:QName"  use="required"/>  |
|                                    |    <attribute name="type"          |
|                                    |type="xsd:QName"  use="required"/>  |
|                                    |    <attribute name="schemaLocation"|
|                                    |type="xsd:anyURI" use="optional"/>  |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|ModelDescription                    | <complexType                       |
| [O] PropertyDescription            |name="ModelDescription">            |
|propertyDescriptions[]              |    <sequence>                      |
| [O] ModelTypes modelTypes          |      <element                      |
| [O] Extension extensions           |name="propertyDescriptions"         |
|                                    |type="types:PropertyDescription"    |
|Should be [O] Extension extensions[]|minOccurs="0"                       |
|instead                             |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |      <element name="modelTypes"    |
|                                    |type="types:ModelTypes"             |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|                                    |      <element name="extensions"    |
|                                    |type="types:Extension"              |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"                       |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |    </sequence>                     |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|Same pattern (extensions not an     |                                    |
|array in spec):                     |                                    |
|ParameterDescription                |                                    |
|PortletDescription                  |                                    |
|PropertyList                        |                                    |
|                                    |                                    |
|Should be [O] Extension extensions[]|                                    |
|instead                             |                                    |
|ExtensionDescription                |<complexType                        |
| [R] QName name                     |name="ExtensionDescription">        |
| [R] ExtensionPart parts[]          |    <sequence>                      |
| [O] QName aliases[]                |      <element name="parts"         |
| [O] LocalizedString description    |type="types:ExtensionPart"          |
| [O] LocalizedString label          |minOccurs="0"                       |
| [O] LocalizedString hint           |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
| [O] Extension extensions[]         |      <element name="aliases"       |
|                                    |type="xsd:QName"                    |
|Extension parts should be optional  |minOccurs="0"                       |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |      <element name="description"   |
|                                    |type="types:LocalizedString"        |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|                                    |      <element name="label"         |
|                                    |type="types:LocalizedString"        |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|                                    |      <element name="hint"          |
|                                    |type="types:LocalizedString"        |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|                                    |      <element name="extensions"    |
|                                    |type="types:Extension"              |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"                       |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |    </sequence>                     |
|                                    |    <attribute name="name"          |
|                                    |type="xsd:QName" use="required"/>   |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|NamedString                         |<complexType name="NamedString">    |
| [R] string       name              |    <sequence>                      |
| [O] string       value             |      <element name="value"         |
|                                    |type="xsd:string"/>                 |
|                                    |    </sequence>                     |
|                                    |    <attribute name="name"          |
|                                    |type="xsd:string" use="required"/>  |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|                                    |                                    |
|                                    |value should have minoccurs="0"     |
|ResourceParams                      |                                    |
| [R] ID     resourceID              |<complexType name="ResourceParams"> |
| [R] StateChange  portletStateChange|    <complexContent>                |
| [O] string       resourceState     |      <extension                    |
| [O] string                         |base="types:MimeRequest">           |
|resourceCacheability                |        <sequence>                  |
| [O] NamedString  formParameters[]  |          <element                  |
| [O] UploadContext                  |name="formParameters"               |
|uploadContexts[]                    |type="types:NamedString"            |
|                                    |minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" |
|                                    |/>                                  |
|                                    |          <element                  |
|                                    |name="uploadContexts"               |
|                                    |type="types:UploadContext"          |
|                                    |minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" |
|                                    |/>                                  |
|                                    |        </sequence>                 |
|                                    |        <attribute name="resourceID"|
|                                    |type="xsd:string"  use="required"/> |
|                                    |        <attribute                  |
|                                    |name="portletStateChange"           |
|                                    |type="types:StateChange"            |
|                                    |use="required"/>                    |
|                                    |        <attribute                  |
|                                    |name="resourceState"                |
|                                    |type="xsd:string"/>                 |
|                                    |        <attribute                  |
|                                    |name="resourceCacheability"         |
|                                    |type="xsd:string"/>                 |
|                                    |      </extension>                  |
|                                    |    </complexContent>               |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|                                    |                                    |
|                                    |resourceState & resourceCachability |
|                                    |should be use="optional"            |
|ImportPortletsFailed                |<complexType name="BaseFailed">     |
| [R] ID     importIDs[]             |    <sequence>                      |
| [R] ErrorCodes   errorCode         |      <element name="reason"        |
| [R] LocalizedString    reason      |type="types:LocalizedString"        |
| [O] ResourceList       resourceList|minOccurs="0"/>                     |
| [O] Extension    extensions[]      |      <element name="resourceList"  |
|                                    |type="types:ResourceList"           |
|reason should be optional           |minOccurs="0"/>                     |
|                                    |      <element name="extensions"    |
|                                    |type="types:Extension"              |
|                                    |minOccurs="0"                       |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |    </sequence>                     |
|                                    |    <attribute name="errorCode"     |
|                                    |type="types:ErrorCodes"             |
|                                    |use="required"/>                    |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |
|                                    |  <element name="BaseFailed"        |
|                                    |type="types:BaseFailed"/>           |
|                                    |                                    |
|                                    |<complexType                        |
|                                    |name="ImportPortletsFailed">        |
|                                    |    <complexContent>                |
|                                    |      <extension                    |
|                                    |base="types:BaseFailed">            |
|                                    |        <sequence>                  |
|                                    |          <element name="importID"  |
|                                    |type="xsd:string"                   |
|                                    |maxOccurs="unbounded"/>             |
|                                    |        </sequence>                 |
|                                    |      </extension>                  |
|                                    |    </complexContent>               |
|                                    |  </complexType>                    |

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