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Subject: How to build a PDP request of a subject with multiple roles


I am using XACML to conduct role based access control (RBAC profile of XACML v2). I have a subject who has more than one roles such as Account Manager role and Customer Rep role. I try to submit a PDP request to ask if the subject can do account update. The resource is account; the action is update. Actually, the Account Manager role is allowed to do the account update; but Customer Rep role is not. How could I build the PDP request in XACML for a subject with more than one role.

Is the following right?
<Attribute AttributeId=”&subject;role-id”
<AttributeValue>Account Manager</AttributeValue>
<Attribute AttributeId=”&subject;role-id”
<AttributeValue>Customer Rep</AttributeValue>
<Attribute AttributeId=”&resource;resource-id;”
<Attribute AttributeId=”&action;action-id”

Or I should use 2 subjects?


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