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Subject: Re: [xacml-users] FW: AttributeFinderModule is not called and PDPdon't work with my attribute designators

Hi Sara. This is a question about sunxacml specifically, and not XACML
in general, so I've set the reply-to to the sunxacml discussion list.
Folks who are interested can continue the discussion there..

> My problem with the use of Sun's XACML Implementation is that my
> DesignatorPDP.java (i think) don't recognize the attributedesignator that i
> have implementated and the policies cannot be correctly validated.

If you're supplying the attribute values in your request, you don't need
to write any custom modules. It sounds like you are in fact including all
the attribute values in your Request, so try running your PDP with no
custom modules and see what happens.

If that doesn't work, it may be a problem with your policy, or with some
other aspect of how you've configured your PDP. Feel free to post follow-up
questions to the discussion list!


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