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Subject: RE: [xacml] chair election - results

Title: RE: [xacml] chair election - results

Hi Karl,

Thanks, Karl, for running these elections.

Congratulations to Hal, and many thanks to Ken and Ernesto for accepting the nomination to serve the TC in this capacity.  We all look forward to your continued active contributions!

Now that the election is over I am hopeful that the TC can make quick progress to a v1.0 specification.  Much of this depends upon the subgroups moving fairly quickly on their assigned tasks.  To that end, I would like to solicit volunteers to chair the various subgroups.  The first activity of the each subgroup chair would be to put together a very rough charter for his/her subgroup (notably scope and agenda, so that it will be clear when the subgroup has completed its work).

All TC members:  please review the subgroups listed on the XACML Web site to see which one(s) you would like to contribute to.  If you are interested in chairing a particular subgroup, please contact Hal and myself as soon as possible.  Having subgroup chairs will help to ensure that these activities progress at a reasonable pace, which is critically important to the TC as a whole keeping to its agenda.



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