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Subject: [xacml] Next F2F meeting...

Title: Next F2F meeting...

Hi all,

On the TC con-call today we discussed a time and location for the next face-to-face meeting for XACML.  It is getting to be tricky to find a suitable time because we're in the season where a lot of conferences and workshops get scheduled (e.g., SACMAT, Policy workshop, OMG, etc.) and, furthermore, SAML has some interop activities planned (dry runs in June and actual demo in July).  On top of that, of course, is the teaching schedule in Italy (semester ends in mid-June) and the inevitable vacations that occur all through the summer...

In any case, we came up with a small number of possibilities:

Date:  Wed., June19th - Thu., June 20th
   or     Thu., June 20th - Fri., June 21st

Place:  Boston, MA (somewhere in the Boston area)
   or     Ottawa, ON (Canada)
   or     Los Angeles, CA (Manhattan Beach area, where we held a previous F2F)

We will go with whatever has the greatest number of votes (unless the number is too small to make a productive meeting, in which case we should consider a different time and/or location).

Please vote for a date and a place by next Thursday, the 23rd; I will summarize and post the results on Friday, May 24th.


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