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Subject: RE: [xacml] Issues for Friday's telecon

Title: Issues for Friday's telecon
Could we move #1 to Monday?   I would like to prepare a write-up and an example on the issue..
The reason that's the only issue I am actively concerned, is that everything else: context format,
namespaces, syntax, decision types, rule sets and recombination etc. are, in some sense,
external to an actual PDP implementation. They can be handled on a translation level and changed with relative ease.
Rule evaluation and typing strategy, defined by the standard, do affect internals of an implementation directly.
They are much harder to change, fix, and adopt, so I think we should try to make it "right" from 1.0, if possible..
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Moses [mailto:tim.moses@entrust.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 1:23 PM
Subject: [xacml] Issues for Friday's telecon

Colleagues - Here is a terse list of topics for tomorrow's telecon.  We can review and modify this at the start of the call.

1. Integer function with float arguments.
2. Target processing.
3. Action namespace.
4. Attribute & AttributeDesignator.
5. Target optional in rule.
6. DecisionType.
7. RuleSets in a PolicyStatement.
8. Context OtherAttributes.
9. Walk through schema.

All the best.  Tim.

Tim Moses
Tel: 613.270.3183

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