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Subject: Revised:OASIS Naming Guidelines for XACML, v1.4


Erik and I queried Robin Cover and Mary McRae about which guidelines 
documents were normative, and about specific names, and I have revised 
the proposed XACML guidelines accordingly.  I think what readers care 
about most is specification titles and file names, so look particularly 
at those sections and make sure you are happy.

If everyone is happy with these, I would like the TC to approve them so 
that we can have some consistency in our specification titles and file 

Anne H. Anderson             Email: Anne.Anderson@Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems Laboratories
1 Network Drive,UBUR02-311     Tel: 781/442-0928
Burlington, MA 01803-0902 USA  Fax: 781/442-1692
Title: OASIS Naming Guidelines for XACML

OASIS Naming Guidelines for XACML

Editor:  Anne Anderson 
Version: 1.4
Updated: 06/10/03 (yy/mm/dd)

This is a profile of the current OASIS document and naming guidelines for applicability to XACML specifications, schemas, and names. It is based on the following references:

According to e-mail from Robin Cover, 3 Oct 2006, Document [1] is the base document. Document [2] supplements and clarifies [1], and is in the process of being merged with [1]. [3] should be used for document format templates, and [4] explains fonts, styles, document sections, etc., but [1] and [2] are the only normative naming guidelines, and override [3] and [4].


Introduction and General Notes

The OASIS guidelines apply only to documents to be stored under http://docs.oasis-open.org/xacml/3.0/..., etc., but we will use them for Working Drafts also in order to make conversion to the standard format easier as specifications are approved.

No names of schema elements or attributes are affected.

See [1] and [2] for more details.

Specification Format

OASIS provides specification templates at [3], with instructions for their use in [4], which are not necessarily up-to-date. [1] and [2] override [3] and [4].

Changes from older versions:

Be sure to copy new versions of the changed pages from [3]

Specification Title


  [Specification Title] Version[X.X]

Note that all major words in the title are capitalized, and there is no comma before "Version", which is also capitalized.

There is no normative syntax for [Specification Title]. For XACML, we will construct names as in the following examples, but you should get your title approved by the OASIS administration (Robin Cover <robin@oasis-open.org>, Mary McRae <mary.mcrae&oasis-open.org>) before casting it in concrete:

File Name

There is no normative syntax for file names, except that normative specification files must be available in PDF and XHTML formats, and an editable version (.odt, .doc) must be available in the TC repository. When a file becomes a Committee Draft or OASIS Standard, it will be stored under http://docs.oasis-open.org/xacml/<XACML version>/ by the OASIS Administration.

For XACML, we will construct file names as follows:

Rough syntax:

  xacml-<xacml version>[-profile]-<topic>-v<topic version>-<doctype>-<stage>-<draft version>-<language>.<format>


Hyphens will be used to separate name components, and camel case will be used to separate elements within a name component, since underscores are hard to see when a URL is underlined.

The Document Identifier that goes on the title page of a specification is everything up through <draft version>.


  Core spec:       xacml-3.0-core-spec-v1.0-wd-1-en.pdf
  Core schema1:    xacml-3.0-core-schema-policy-v1.0-wd-1.xml
  Core schema2:    xacml-3.0-core-schema-context-v1.0-wd-1.xml
  Supplement spec: xacml-3.0-administration-v1.0-wd-13.pdf

Profiles should identify the version of what is being profiled if relevant:

  Profile:        xacml-3.0-profile-webservices-spec-v1.0-wd-1-en.pdf
  Profile schema: xacml-3.0-profile-webservices-schema-v1.0-wd-1.xml
  Profile:        xacml-2.0-profile-saml2.0-spec-v2.0-wd-1-en.pdf
  Profile schema: xacml-2.0-profile-saml2.0-schema-assertion-v2.0-wd-1.xml

If we update a profile, give it a new version (v1.1, v2.0, etc.)

  Profile:        xacml-2.0-profile-saml2.0-v2.1-spec-wd-1-en.odt
  Profile schema: xacml-2.0-profile-saml2.0-v2.1-schema-assertion-wd-1.xml

Persistent Location

OASIS administration will put Committee Draft and OASIS Standard documents under:



We can continue to use:




OASIS administration recommends URIs of the following form, but this is not a requirement:


Anne Anderson <Anne.Anderson@sun.com>
Last modified: Tue Oct 3 15:00:13 EDT 2006

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