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Subject: Re: [xacml] Issue: Hierarchical profile appears ambiguous and inconsistent

Hi Daniel and TC,

Hopefully, those who have followed the details of these emails recognize that each step in the sequence has advanced the discussion in a consistent manner and as a result we have done a fairly thorough job of mapping out the problem space that is under discussion. In any event I believe my comments in this email continue to advance the discussion in a worthwhile manner, and I think will describe the complete problem space as well as give a clear description of the options available, all of which offer full functionality.

In the current phase, if I am not mistaken, it is a straight-forward matter to apply definitions to the distinct categories of problems and simply observe that we have two sets of tools which are equally effective at solving each category of problem, where
  • one set of tools (let's call it the "ancestor method") is most effective when one is dealing with resources where it is not possible or desirable to apply URIs as normative identifiers
  • a second set of tools (let's call it the "URI method") which is available when one is dealing with resources where URIs can be applied as normative identifiers, and the designers want to take advantage of the powerful features inherent in URI objects, esp when applied to hierarchical problems.
Let me address Daniel's points below, then try to summarize the present state of the discussion:

Daniel Engovatov wrote:

On Feb 18, 2009, at 3:05 PM, Rich.Levinson wrote:

Daniel, Seth, Erik, and TC,

 If we stick to the generally accepted definition that an object in a hierarchy can have at most one parent, then a URI solves the problem without having to look beyond the URI itself

It is NOT a generally accepted definition and we did not stick to it on purpose.

Whether it is generally accepted or not is probably not important here, however, it is consistent with the structure of XML documents, such that when we are talking about a "single hierarchy" of nonXML resources that if we assert that this implies a structural relationship equivalent to the structural relationship of the nodes of a well-formed XML document, which is that each element can have at most one parent, and the top element or node has zero parents.

This gives us a crisp unambiguous definition of the term "hierarchy" which can be applied both to the XML and nonXML resources, and it totally avoids trying to determine whether it is an "accepted" definition or not, since that property is no longer relevant.

The point of this definition is to give us a conceptual framework within which to evaluate the two primary use cases of the DAG, which as will be explained are also clear and unambiguous well-defined use cases.

However, if we allow the hierarchies to break down and lose their inherent hierarchical properties, then more complicated approaches, such as going outside the initial request context to get more nodes, although still solvable w URIs as demo'd below, are needed.

It is NOT "broken down"
True, in an absolute sense nothing is "broken", however, what has happened is that we have allowed one class of DAG representation to be impacted in such a way that we have allowed it to become the second class of DAG representation because we did not clearly define the distinction and what was to be allowed and not allowed. This has nothing to with whether the ancestor or URI method is used. It has only to do with the relationships that are allowed to be represented when two resources are "connected" by virtue of their hierarchical relationship being established.

Specifically, one has a choice of:
  1. only allowing the relationship that is being established to be active. For example if my boss is assigned to be subordinate to a task force leader when a cross functional team is being set up, this case would say that has no impact on my relationship with the task force leader unless I am a member of the task force. i.e. the task force leader has control over my boss's resources to whatever degree is implied by the task force situation, however the task force leader has zero direct control over my resources as a result of this assignment. In this model, that direct control could be simply be established by either assigning me directly to the task force leader, or assigning me a second subordinate relationship to my boss in the context of the task force relationship.
    This is a clearly defined process, where there is no ambiguity about relationships between the resources. If you want the relationship, you explicitly establish it, if not, you don't.

  2. the other choice is the exact opposite, namely allowing incidental relationships to be established simply because they connect to a node with direct relationships. To take an extreme light-spirited example, for the purpose of showing how "extraneous" relations are introduced, if the company CEO was a member of a company bowling team, where the captain of the bowling team happened to be a junior software engineer who just joined the company, then everyone in the company would suddenly have this junior engineer as their ancestor. Possibly this would be disallowed by acyclic graph rules, but a similar situation would occur if the VP of engineering was on a bowling team captained by the junior sales trainee, who would now be ancestor to everyone in engineering organization.
Both methods are acceptable for assigning relationships, but one or the other may be more effective for one or another type of organization. Personally, I think most enterprise security departments would favor the first approach, because it appears to offer more direct control and less chance of unintended consequences resulting from the assignment of a direct relationship.

However, either choice can be used with either the "ancestor method" or the "URI method". Which choice is made is a function of the node collecting algorithm that is used for policy evaluation. i.e. when you collect the parent nodes of the requested node,
  • choice 1 above means only collect those nodes to which the parent has a direct relationship with the requested node,
  • and choice 2 means collect all the nodes of choice 1 plus all other nodes where the parent has a hierarchical relationship that does not directly involve the requested node.
These are the two primary use cases of the DAG, which were mentioned above. Which use case is chosen depends only on the node collection algorithm and not how the nodes are represented. i.e. parents and ancestors exist whether or not they are incorporated for handy access within a URI or not.
When the URI can be used, the URI collection within the requested node itself contains all the nodes that will be collected with method 1 and there is no need to access any additional information.

Again, I am not trying to add or change any of the existing functionality,

You are proposing an addition that is a subset of the more general approach.
Hopefully, the description above satisfactorily demonstrates that the URIs are simply a concrete mechanism to implement the general solution. It is also a mechanism that, if used effectively, appears to be much more efficient since all nodes that need to be collected in method 1 actually are already contained in the URI collection of the requested node.
Therefore it is a concrete representation of the general approach, however it is a concrete representation that capitalizes on the fact that the object used to represent the node (the URI) has an equivalent structure to the spatial relationships of the nodes in the DAG that need to be collected in method 1, and so those nodes do not need to collected at all since they are already present.
The same structural relationship exists in method 2, however, method 2 fans out so far so fast that collection outside the requested node will be required to fulfill the needs of method 2.
It is functionally equivalent to the general approach, however, it has the advantage that a single URI contains the normative identity of all the required nodes for method 1 and some for method 2.

I understand that you favor a different approach to this problem.    It may be worth our while to create a separate profile for such an approach, but I do not see any reason to muddy the existing one.

It should be clear from the above discussion that showing how URIs address the same problem is not a "different approach". It is the same approach, except the work required to collect the nodes is a lot less, and can be eliminated almost completely depending on what node collection strategy is chosen, method 1 or method 2.

Finally, it should be clear that the bulleted algorithms in section 3.2 of the spec represent a nonURI approach using a method 2 collection algorithm.

Now that the problem is clearly defined, I expect it will take much fewer words than have been exchanged in these emails to explain the available options in section 3.2, which are:
  1. method 1 node collection, URI method (all nodes required are in requested node)
  2. method 1 node collection, ancestor method: (requested node has pointers to parents, but need to recursively navigate to parent to advance up the hierarchy, but does not navigate thru nodes of which the requested node is not a hierarchy member)
  3. method 2 node collection, URI method (subset of nodes required are in requested node, the rest must be obtained by recursively navigating based on parent hierarchy nodes of which requested node is not a member)
  4. method 2 node collection, ancestor method (this is the algorithm currently in section 3.2 bullets and need to recursively navigate thru all parent nodes regardless of whether requested node is a member of the hierarchy or not.)
These 2 choices of node collection are implicit in the DAG problem definition and are not currently explained in the document and I believe need to be. i.e. a DAG is the result of a set of hierarchies (as defined above) being layed across a set of resources. i.e. it is the result of a set of explicit relations being applied between pairs of nodes. The "choice" is whether to retain the "history" of why those relations were applied (i.e. the direct relations) or not. If you don't then additional, indirect, extraneous relations automatically appear and there is no way distinguish between them and the direct relations, at least in the "general" or "ancestor" case. In the URI case, the direct and indirect relations are always present and may be used or not as a matter of choice.

The choice of ancestor or URI method for node identification is simply whether URI "can" be used and whether URI is "desired" to be used. Functionally, URI will produce the same results.



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