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Subject: Re: Policy Labelling (was Re: Delegation and on-permit-apply-second)

Hi Erik,

On 6/12/2012 3:28 AM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
Hi Steven,

Three comments:

1. Yes, if you use permit-unless-deny in a policy which matches admin requests in its target and put that in
a policy set which has delegated policies, then you might get into trouble. But there are many other ways to
write incorrect policies, so what is special about this one?

It's special in that it doesn't start out incorrect. It is perfectly reasonable
to create an access policy set that uses permit-unless-deny in a deployment that
doesn't use delegation. If at a later time that deployment decides to start using
delegation, then the access policy sets that are using permit-unless-deny
immediately become toxic and have to be remediated. It is an undesirable side-effect
of simply starting to use administrative policies.

2. I still don't understand what your preferred solution is. Sorry about that. ;-)

Three labels for policy sets.

3. The way I think of the different types of policies are these (not sure about the naming itself, but we
can discuss that later):

- Policy: is applied only to access requests. Contains rules.


- AdminPolicy: is applied only to admin requests. Contains rules.


- PolicySet: is applied only to access requests. Contains Policy, AdminPolicy, PolicySet or AdminPolicySet.
Note that the AdminPolicies and AdminPolicySets which are contained here are only applied to admin requests
which are generated during processing of delegated policies within the policy set.

This is a policy set of the first kind, though it isn't exactly a pure access policy set.
With regard to the current draft of the administration profile, or the "minimal change"
solution, where the evaluation of an administrative request begins within a policy set,
it is appropriate for a PolicySet to contain an AdminPolicy or AdminPolicySet. What I
would like to see is the evaluation of an administrative request beginning at the top,
in which case there is no reason for a PolicySet to contain an AdminPolicy or
AdminPolicySet because they would never be evaluated.

- AdminPolicySet: is applied only to admin requests. Contains AdminPolicy or AdminPolicySet. Note that there
will never be any access request processing within one of these. Note that nesting a delegated AdminPolicy
or AdminPolicySet in here probably will lead to some kind of confusion since we would then have two kinds of
admin requests being processed within this AdminPolicySet: the initial one applied to this AdminPolicySet,
and the ones generated from the nested delegated policies.

That's one of the reasons I don't like the way evaluation of an administrative
request starts within a policy set. The effect of a nested AdminPolicy depends on
where evaluation of the administrative request begins. Suppose that the nested
AdminPolicy evaluates to Deny. If the evaluation of the administrative request
started inside the AdminPolicySet, then the AdminPolicy has no effect because
it doesn't add an arc to the reduction graph. If the evaluation of the administrative
request started outside the AdminPolicySet, then the Deny result from the AdminPolicy
is combined with the results from its siblings according to the combining algorithm
of the AdminPolicySet. If that combining algorithm is deny-overrides, then the
Deny result overrides any Permit results from the siblings. That sort of
variability will make delegation hard for users to understand. In part, I have
been advocating evaluating administrative requests from the top to remove this

AdminPolicySet is a policy set of kind (2).

Does this correspond to what you meant?

You haven't covered policy sets of the third kind, which the current draft of the
profile allows. Of course, the name can be discussed later. Some possible names
are HybridPolicySet, MixedPolicySet, DualPolicySet or AdminAndAccessPolicySet.
A HybridPolicySet may contain Policy, AdminPolicy, PolicySet, AdminPolicySet and/or
HybridPolicySet children, and has a target that is satisfied by access requests or
administrative requests.

If one assumes the "minimal change", then there isn't a compelling case for having
policy sets of the third kind. If one assumes the complete separation of access
and administrative policy, with administrative requests evaluated from the top,
then there is no case for having policy sets of the third kind. If one assumes that
administrative requests are evaluated from the top and the administrative policy
set hierarchy is overlayed on the access policy set hierarchy, then policy sets
of the third kind are needed to achieve that overlay. This last possibility is
what I prefer.


Best regards,

On 2012-12-05 07:25, Steven Legg wrote:

Hi Erik,

On 4/12/2012 10:45 PM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
Hi Steven,

I am uncertain, but are you now proposing that admin policies are nested in the same hierarchy as access

Yes, until today when I noticed a problem with it in the context of policy labelling.

Like it's today and which I also suggest?

Could you summarize your latest proposal with a couple of lines of pseudo xacml?

It's not exactly like today, which is part of the reason this thread exists, and
I think it will take more than a couple of lines of pseudo XACML to describe the

Under the current version of the administration profile there are roughly four
kinds of policy set, which are distinguished by their targets. I'll demonstrate
with an example Match element.

(1) The first kind of policy set is a pure access policy set, which would have
a target that contains a Match element something like this:

   <Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:anyURI-equal">
     <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI";
       DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI"; MustBePresent="false"/>

This Match element can be satisfied by an access request, but cannot be satisfied
by an administrative request.

(2) The current version of the profile uses category prefixing. The second kind
of policy set is a pure administrative policy set, which uses category prefixes in
its attribute designators and would have a target that contains a Match element
like this:

   <Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:anyURI-equal">
     <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI";


       DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI"; MustBePresent="false"/>

This Match element can be satisfied by an administrative request, but cannot be satisfied
by an access request.

(3) The third kind of policy set is a hybrid where the target matches both an access
request and its corresponding administrative request(s):

       <Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:anyURI-equal">
         <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI";
           DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI"; MustBePresent="false"/>
       <Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:anyURI-equal">
         <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI";


           DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI"; MustBePresent="false"/>

This has to be a disjunction or it will never be satisfiable.

(4) The fourth kind is a hybrid where the target matches unrelated access
requests and administrative requests:

       <Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:anyURI-equal">
         <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI";
           DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI"; MustBePresent="false"/>
       <Match MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:anyURI-equal">
         <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI";
>http://example.com/SomeOtherDocument</AttributeValue> <!-- NOTE THE DIFFERENCE HERE. -->


           DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#anyURI"; MustBePresent="false"/>

With policy labelling, (4) is no longer representable, which is no great loss since
it is strange usage. With policy labelling, i.e., no category prefixing, the targets
for (1), (2) and (3) would all look like (1). If we don't distinguished between the
three kinds of policy set by how the policy set is labelled, then all policy sets
will be treated as hybrids like (3). It means that the target of a pure access policy
set will sometimes be applicable for an administrative request, and the target of a
pure administrative policy set will sometimes be applicable for an access request.
I thought this was harmless because a pure access policy set will only contain access
policies and a pure administrative policy set will only contain administrative
policies (we would be able to tell the difference between access policies and
administrative policies by their element names). If the PDP is processing an access
request against the children of a pure administrative policy set, then all those
children will evaluate to NotApplicable automatically. If the PDP is processing an
administrative request against the children of a pure access policy set, then all
those children will also evaluate to NotApplicable. Most policy set combining
algorithms evaluate to NotApplicable if the children are all NotApplicable, so
there's no harm done, apart from wasting CPU cycles. Unfortunately, there are at
least two combining algorithms that can never return NotApplicable: permit-unless-deny
and deny-unless-permit. If we don't distinguish between the different kinds of
policy set, then we can't safely use combining algorithms like permit-unless-deny and
deny-unless-permit. A pure access policy set with the permit-unless-deny combining
algorithm will automatically authorize any untrusted sibling policy or policy set.

A complete separation of access and administrative policy doesn't have this problem
because policy sets are labelled to clearly identify them as either (1) or (2). There
are no (3)s and no ambiguity between (1) and (2). However a complete separation means
that some mirroring of the policy set hierarchy will occur.

To overlay the administrative policy set hierarchy on the access policy set hierarchy
without excluding some combining algorithms seems to require that we distinguish
between the three kinds of policy set, i.e., (1), (2) and (3). I was hoping to avoid
three labels but it seems I can't.

I can live with either a complete separation, or three labels for the three kinds of
policy set.


Best regards,

On 2012-11-30 05:09, Steven Legg wrote:

Hi Erik,

On 29/11/2012 11:32 PM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
Hi Steven,

On 2012-11-28 06:28, Steven Legg wrote:

Hi Erik,

On 27/11/2012 8:43 PM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
Hi Steven,

See inline.

On 2012-11-05 05:42, Steven Legg wrote:

Hi Erik,

On 1/11/2012 6:40 PM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
Hi Steven,

I do think there is some practical value in being able to collect any types of policies into a single
set, but I agree that the value probably is not that big. In come cases where someone would hand
over a
policy set "here are all my access and admin policies", they would have to hand over two separate
sets of
policies instead.

And, yes, when I think about it more, the evaluation logic change is small. And there is actually one
additional benefit. The explicit marking of a policy as an admin policy is probably simpler
conceptually to
users than to use weird attribute category names.

I agree completely.

So, I would agree with you to these changes.

Reflecting on what you say here and what you were saying during the TC
meeting makes me think you are assuming more than the minimal change
required to dispense with category prefixing, in which case there are
some technical choices to be discussed. I'll start by describing the
minimal change.

The reduction procedure, as currently described by the administration
profile, begins when the PDP encounters an applicable, untrusted access
policy. Let's call it 'A'. A reduction graph is formed by considering
each ordered pair of policies in the policy set that contains 'A'. Let's
call that policy set 'B'. To even get to the point of evaluating access
policy 'A', policy set 'B' must be an access policy set (which is to
say, it has a target that can only be satisfied by an access request).
For policy 'A' to be authorized at all there must be at least one sibling
policy of 'A' that is an administrative policy. Let's call it policy 'C'.
So an access policy set like 'B' must be allowed to have children that
are either access policies (like 'A') or administrative policies (like 'C').
In the current scheme we distinguish between access policies and
administrative policies by whether or not they have attribute designators
referring to prefixed categories. In the new scheme we would tell the
difference by the element name of the policy, e.g., either <Policy> or
<AdministrativePolicy>, and in the process exclude the unhelpful
possibility of hybrid policies.

It is also possible for a sibling of policy 'B' to be an administrative
policy set, which is to say, a policy set with a target that can only be
satisfied by an administrative request. We can likewise distinguish between
access policy sets and administrative policy sets by the element name, e.g.,
either <PolicySet> or <AdministrativePolicySet>. Let's say we have an
administrative policy set 'D' that is a sibling of policy 'A'. Both policy
'C' and policy set 'D' are considered when reducing policy 'A'. In which
case they are evaluated with respect to an administrative request. Policy
set 'D' is only ever considered when processing an administrative request,
so any access policy or access policy set children of policy set 'D' will
never be evaluated. We might as well disallow such children.

In summary, what we have for the minimal change is <PolicySet> elements
that may have <Policy>, <AdministrativePolicy>, <PolicySet> and
<AdministrativePolicySet> children, and <AdministrativePolicySet> elements
that may have only <AdministrativePolicy> and <AdministrativePolicySet>

The fact that an access policy set can have administrative child policies
and policy sets is a non-issue for most policy set combining algorithms.
In the current scheme the administrative children would always evaluate
to NotApplicable when evaluating an access request. In the new scheme the
administrative children would be skipped (or automatically NotApplicable)
when evaluating an access request. Either way, the result of the combining
algorithm is unaffected. The one exception is the on-permit-apply-second
combining algorithm because it limits a policy set to exactly two children.
If, for an access policy set, those children are both access policies,
then in practice they have to be trusted policies because there is no room
for any administrative policies to authorize untrusted policies (note
this is also the case with the current administration profile). If either
child of an access policy is an administrative policy, then the policy set
will never be applicable. To make the on-permit-apply-second combining
rule more useful in an administrative setting, the restriction to two
children should be relaxed to two access children and any number of
administrative children when the combining rule is used in an access
policy set. The "first" and "second" children should be taken to mean the
first and second access children, or we can insist that any administrative
children must come after the two access children. What to do in the case of
an administrative policy set with the on-permit-apply-second combining rule
is not so obvious. If we limit it to two administrative children, then
those children would have to be trusted in practice. We could say that
the first two children are considered by the combining algorithm and any
subsequent children are only used if reduction of untrusted children is

I think the above "minimal change" seems good. I don't think it is a big problem that the
on-permit-apply-second is meaningful only in context of trusted children, since it is intended to solve
issue of a condition in policies, and for that purpose everything work fine.

That covers the minimal change. The more substantial change is a complete
separation of access and administrative policies and policy sets. That is,
a <PolicySet> can only have <Policy> and <PolicySet> children, and an
<AdministrativePolicySet> can only have <AdministrativePolicy> and
<AdministrativePolicySet> children. An access request would initially be
assessed against the collection of access policies and access policy sets.
The administrative policies and policy sets would become involved if there
are any untrusted access policies or policy sets to be reduced. A revision
of the reduction procedure would be necessary and I see two main

I don't like the above since this introduces a top level construct in the PDP which is different from
any of
the regular XACML policy constructs.

As opposed to the current scheme that introduces a mid-level construct (the
reduction graph built from pair-wise assessment) which is different from
the regular XACML policy set evaluation ?

> It is a fact that the initial request to the PDP is an access request,
so the access request must match the "top level policy construct" in the PDP.

It still would.

> Also, if the administrative
profile is going to be of any use, this top level policy construct also has to also be able to contain
administrative policies.

Only if you assume that everything has to be wrapped up in a single, physical
policy set.

It would, in a broad sense. It does not have to be a policy set strictly. Naturally, in your proposal it
would be something different. It would be nice if we would not need this "different thing".

An important aspect of the policy labelling solution is that administrative
policies and policy sets are automatically NotApplicable when evaluating
access requests, and access policies and policy sets are automatically
NotApplicable when evaluating administrative requests. Section 7.17 of the
core specification has this to say about request evaluation:

    "the PDP is defined by a policy-combining algorithm and a set of policies
     and/or policy sets. The PDP SHALL return a response context as if it had
     evaluated a single policy set consisting of this policy-combining algorithm
     and the set of policies and/or policy sets".

We could assume that this virtual, single policy set is exempt from the
separation of access policy and administrative policy. The children could be
access policies and/or access policy sets and/or administrative policies
and/or administrative policy sets. Some of these children will be automatically
NotApplicable depending on whether it is an access request or an administrative
request that is being evaluated.

Alternatively, we could (with respect to option 2) assume that 7.17 applies to
access request evaluation and write similar text to cover administrative request
evaluation. That is, the PDP is defined by a policy-combining algorithm and a
set of access policies and/or access policy sets, and a policy-combining algorithm
(maybe the same one) and a set of administrative policies and/or administrative
policy sets.

> Thus the top level policy construct is something different from the above policy
constructs which you listed.

That adds more specification and implementation cost, compared with a PDP which simply starts with a
selected top level policy set, which is semantically no different than any other policy set in XACML.

In the context of option (2), and given that an implementation chooses to
restrict the "set of policies and/or policy sets" in 7.17 to exactly one
policy set, is it really that difficult to have a selected top level access
policy set as the place for the PDP to start for an access request and also
a selected top level administrative policy set as the place for the PDP to
start for an administrative request ?

No, it's not difficult, but it means that delegation will only work at the top level.

The evaluation of an administrative request starts at the top level, but the
untrusted policy or policy set that is being authorized (or not) by the
evaluation of the administrative request can be at any level, as is currently
the case.

> A sub policyset cannot
use delegation within itself in that case, which is a restriction for a collaborative policy authoring.

With complete separation, the administrative policies that authorize policies
within the access sub-policy-set cannot be in the access sub-policy-set, but they
can be in an administrative sub-policy-set in the administrative policy hierarchy
that mirrors the access policy hierarchy. As Hal points out, it would be good
to avoid maintaining that mirror hierarchy, which we can do because the administrative
policy sets wouldn't be doing much more than providing an efficiency improvement.

If we don't distinguish between access policy sets and administrative policy sets
(but still distinguish between access policies and administrative policies; a partial
separation) and just have "policy sets", then that means the PDP might spend time
looking into policy sets that it didn't need to. However, a smart implementation can
note which policy sets only contain access policies, which policy sets only contain
administrative policies, and which policy sets contain a mix, so that when evaluating
an access request it can skip the policy sets that contain only administrative
policies, and when evaluating an administrative request it can skip policy sets
that contain only access policies.

So let's just have PolicySet, Policy and AdministrativePolicy elements, where a
PolicySet can contain Policy and/or AdministrativePolicy elements. The
administrative policy set hierarchy will be aligned with the access policy set
hierarchy because they will be the same hierarchy.

The thing that makes delegation difficult to manage (and really needs to be
changed) is the fact that evaluation of an administrative request always starts
with the pair-wise consideration of siblings of the policy being reduced. It is
a process that is different from the normal processing of a combining algorithm
and, in fact, completely disregards the combining algorithm of the policy set
that contains the access policy and its sibling administrative policies. Starting
the evaluation of the administrative request at the top (just like an access
request) would be simpler to manage and easier for users to get their heads


The first possibility is that we keep the idea of a reduction graph, only
instead of the nodes in the graph being the siblings of the untrusted access
policy being reduced, the nodes are the standalone administrative policies
and policy sets. In effect, every access policy has every standalone
administrative policy or policy set as an implied sibling when forming the
reduction graph. We have the choice when reducing an untrusted administrative
policy whether to consider the actual siblings of that administrative policy
when forming the reduction graph (call this (1.a)), or to form the graph
from the standalone administrative policies and policy sets (call this (1.b)),
just as we would for untrusted access policies.

The second possibility (call this (2)) is to do away with the reduction
graph and simply assess an administrative request against the collection
of administrative policies and policy sets just as we assess an access
request against the collection of access policies and policy sets. If we
find an untrusted policy (in either collection), then we form the
necessary administrative request and assess it against the collection of
administrative policies and policy sets.

An effect of options (1.b) and (2) is that in the process of reducing an
administrative policy we may encounter that very same administrative policy.
If we do, then we treat it as NotApplicable rather than recursively reducing
it. To do otherwise would open the possibility of self-authorizing, untrusted
policies. Note that this effect doesn't arise with the delegation graph
because policies aren't paired with themselves.

Also with options (1.b) and (2) we don't need to do anything about the
on-permit-apply-second combining rule. Administrative policies no longer
need to be siblings of the untrusted policies they authorize, so the
on-permit-apply-second combining rule can still insist on having exactly
two children.

I would very much like us to choose option (2) because working out where
to put an administrative policy under the current scheme is a burden policy
writers can do without. Take the simple case where User A delegates all
rights to User D. This is a very simple administrative policy that basically
says "if the delegate is User D, then Permit". The issue is where to put it.
User A needs to place it (by copy or by reference) in every policy set where
User D will potentially be creating access policies. Furthermore, as new
policy sets are created that User D might put policies into, User A will have
to put the administrative policy in there as well. Conversely, if User A
isn't thorough or proactive in placing the administrative policy, then User D
will be limited in the rights he or she can actually exercise. Compounding
the difficulties is the fact that in the general case, because of
multi-valued attributes and augmentation of the delegate category by
a context handler, practially any untrusted policy can be authorized by any
administrative policy. It all depends on the request context. It is only
by making assumptions about certain attributes being single-valued or by
knowing about correlations between the attributes of an access subject that
we can begin to predict which untrusted policies will be authorized by
which administrative policies in the absence of any specific request context.
These are things that users shouldn't have to be concerned with when creating
administrative policies. Options (1.b) and (2) mean that they don't have to
be. Option (2) is the conceptually simpler of the two, and can simulate (1.b)
if desired.

I don't agree that option 2 is simpler conceptually. I would say it's the opposite since it introduces
another type of policy combining at the top level.

Option (1.b) calls for forming a reduction graph from the top level administrative
policies and/or policy sets, which is quite different from what 7.17 requires
for access requests. Option (2) is just like 7.17, except the policies or
policy sets will be different ones.

Also, being able to mix in admin policies in nested access policies is useful for creating hierarchical
structures, where a delegated policy contains nested delegation itself. This sort of recursion is
useful for
being able to import a full policy set of a sub-organization which internally might want to use

I'm sceptical about the utility of that. Importing policy from a sub-organization
isn't necessarily going to be easy. For example, a user of the sub-organization
may have "read" access to everything, which is alright in the scope of the
sub-organization, but may not be appropriate in the scope of the parent
organization. Access rights will generally need to be reconsidered, which
will involve rewriting and reorganizing policy for both the parent organization
and the sub-organization, and the administrative policies won't be immune to that.
Even if restricting the scope of the sub-organization's administrative policies
to the sub-organization's access policies is useful, importing the policy of
a sub-organization is a relatively infrequent event. Option (2) is about making
delegation easier to use all the time. Keeping the reduction graph so that
importing a policy set from a sub-organization is (maybe) easier is making the
wrong trade off.

I think collaborative policy authoring, whereby anything can be nested, is valuable.

Also, with option (2) the parent organization would be importing an access policy
set and a separate administrative policy set. If there is a simple way to distinguish
the issuers in the sub-organization from issuers in the parent organization (e.g.,
by the domain name in their email addresses), then this could be added to the
target of the administrative policy set, effectively restricting the scope of the
sub-organization's administrative policies to the sub-organization's access
policies, even though they are separated.

But it would put everything at the top level. I would think that recursion and nesting would be useful to
handle very large policy sets.


Best regards,


Best regards,

On 2012-11-01 06:14, Steven Legg wrote:

Hi Erik,

On 31/10/2012 11:35 PM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
Hi Steven,

Sorry about the slow response to this.

As I see it, there are two benefits to the category prefixing:

1. A policy can be mixed admin/access.

How is that a particular benefit when any such mixed policy (or policy set) can be
rewritten as a pair of a pure access policy and a pure administrative policy, together
having exactly the same effect ? A policy that authorizes itself is pointless, and
merging an access policy with an administrative policy that authorizes unrelated
access policies is weird and confusing, so why do it ?

2. We don't need to change the XACML evaluation logic as much. To implement the delegation model,
can use the normal XACML evaluation on admin requests, while building the delegation graph.

I think the second is a significant benefit. It would significantly complicate both the
and the implementation if we need to define additional modes of XACML policy evaluation.

The delegation model is already a significant departure from normal XACML evaluation,
what with building the delegation graph and forming administrative requests. Those
things would still be there. The complexity trade off is between category prefixing
(which is not yet complete because it has unresolved issues) and a simple boolean
test during request processing to see if the kind of the policy matches the kind
of the request (i.e., access versus administrative). That test is simple and efficient
compared to category prefixing.

What about changing the prefix so it works with all cases?

The only thing that comes to mind that would be syntactically valid is a
prefix to the scheme name. For example, http://example.com/foobar becomes

> Or changing the admin category to something else
than it being based on a prefix?

That's difficult without making changes to the core syntax.

> By means of some other kind of algorithm, or maybe an explicit table?

Labelling the policies would be much easier than a managing a mapping table.


Best regards,

On 2012-09-03 07:03, Steven Legg wrote:

Hi Erik,

On 1/09/2012 1:23 AM, Erik Rissanen wrote:
I don't think we change the delegation model in this way since it would mean changing the core
we really don't want to do at this stage.

I originally suggested an XML attribute for the label, which would need
a change to the core schema, but there is another way to label the
policies without changing the core schema and that is substitution
groups for Policy and PolicySet. For example:

    <xs:element name="AdministrativePolicy" type="xacml:PolicyType"

    <xs:element name="AdministrativePolicySet" type="xacml:PolicySetType"

In a way this is better than a simple XML attribute because it is more
visually distinctive. It would be desirable for AdministrativePolicy
and AdministrativePolicySet to be in the same namespace as Policy
and PolicySet, but if they have to be in their own namespace so be it.

> Also, I think we did consider labeling policies like this in early
stages of the delegation work. I don't remember right now why we did not go that way, but I
was a reason.

I've found and reported on a bunch of problems with category prefixing,
so there are reasons to reconsider using labelling. If the purpose of
the prefixing is just to ensure that administrative policies aren't
applicable when evaluating access requests, and vice versa, then
labelling is a simpler and cleaner way to achieve the same end.

> Probably that the current mechanism is more flexible.

It's more flexible in that it allows hybrid policies that are a bit
access policy and a bit administrative policy. I can't think of a
good reason to want to do that, and in any case, it is always possible
to split a hybrid policy into a pure access policy and a pure
administrative policy. I would happily forego this dubious flexibility
to get rid of category prefixing and its problems.


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