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Subject: Minutes for 22 June 2017 TC Meeting

Time: 4:30 PM EST (-0400 GMT)
Tel: 1-712-775-7031
Access Code: 620-103-760

Minutes for 22 June 2017 TC Meeting

I. Roll Call & Minutes

Voting Members
Steven Legg		ViewDS Identity Solutions
Rich Levinson	Oracle
Hal Lockhart	Oracle
Martin Smith	Individual
Voting Members: 4 of 5 (80%) (used for quorum calculation

  hal: we have quorum

Approve Minutes for 8 June 2017

  hal: any objections to unan approval?: none heard
   minutes approved

II. Adminstrivia


  Public Review
   xacml-3.0-core-spec-errata01-wd06-complete.doc uploaded
   hal: additional notes:

  hal: general agreement that updated errata is ready to submit
        as an "approved errata"

  hal: motion to approve update to errata for an "approved errata"

   Document: xacml-3.0-core-spec-errata01-wd06-complete.doc

 1. Motion to Approve moving from Working Draft 06 to a approved errata draft
       steven Legg:  I move that the XACML TC approve
           "eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Version 3.0 Errata 01,
             Working Draft 06, 20 June 2017"
          as a Committee approved errata draft
           and designate the .docx version of the specification as authoritative
           and to be published to the repository.
          AND be made available for a 15-day Public Review.
       Martin Smith: seconds the motion

 2. Motion to put in request to tc admim to set up a vote to approve the approved errata draft:
    steven Legg: I move that the XACML TC puts in a request to the TC-admin
     to initiate a 15 day review of
           "eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Version 3.0 Errata 01,
             Working Draft 06, 20 June 2017":
   Martin Smith: seconds the motion

 ->  ACTION ITEM: Chairs to submit request to Oasis TC-Admin

  hal: comment on considering meeting frequency moving forward for now:
   consider slower schedule, like every 4 weeks, unless and until the work
    load picks up, will consider @ next mtg: July 6, 2017

III. Issues

 Errata - feedback
  from last mtg:
  hal has addressed above:

    see motions above: only minor chgs

  mtg adjourned: 4:45 PM EDT

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