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The following list contains the action items added during the 4-19-04 XDI TC meeting, those carried over from the last meeting and those completed since the last meeting


Please review them and let me know if there are any corrections needed. All action items will be reviewed at the next TC meeting (official) which will take place on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th April in New Orleans.


Thank you








* ACTION – Editors (and ALL OTHERS) to read the Use Case and Requirements template and comment on its suitability


* ACTION – DRUMMOND REED to continue editing the Glossary document to ensure we have a working copy for the F2F.


* ACTION - BILL BARNHILL to upload balance of work on Social Software use cases before the f2f.


* ACTION - DRUMMOND REED will talk with Fen Labalme, then post the Ontology/Dictionary use case.






* ACTION – (CARRIED FORWARD) MARC LE MAITRE to check to make sure all other use cases he posted are reflected in those that will be published, and if not, either promote the use case or simply add the requirement.




* ACTION - (CARRIED FORWARD) VICTOR GREY, BILL BARNHILL, DRUMMOND REED and PETER DAVIS to work on Dictionary and Ontology sharing Use Case


* ACTION - (CARRIED FORWARD) AJAY MADHOK to create short paper describing the special nature of his meta-data query use case


* ACTION – (CARRIED FORWARD) - BILL BARNHILL and MARC LE MAITRE to add language to charter to clarify the TC position on conformance and interoperability


* ACTION – (CARRIED FORWARD) - MARC LE MAITRE to modify 3rd bullet in SCOPE section of Charter to add wireless transport protocols


* ACTION – (CARRIED FORWARD) - MARC LE MAITRE to contact Human Markup Language TC with respect to liaison


* ACTION – (CARRIED FORWARD) - LOREN WEST to investigate and report back on Liberty Alliance liaison


* ACTION – (CARRIED FORWARD) – DAVE MCALPIN and DRUMMOND REED to contact both WSRF and WSN TCs and post recap on their findings






* ACTION DRUMMOND REED and DAVE MCALPIN to produce a list of questions for XACML TC by the end of the week.


* ACTION - PETER DAVIS to promote XDIAuthorityInteractions and XDIAuthorityChainRegistration on Use Cases Matrix page.


* ACTION - DRUMMOND REED to send copy of an early draft white paper "The Social Web" to Bill Barnhill and Fen Labalme. After receiving feedback, he will post it to the TC.


* ACTION - DRUMMOND REED to update Architecture page with WebDAV "MAY" requirement.


* ACTION - DRUMMOND REED to add a Legal requirement RE how to reference the most recent version of a contract.


* ACTION - DRUMMOND REED to add "ACID" to the Architecture requirement for transactional integrity (per Geoffrey Strongin's suggestion).


* ACTION - GEOFFREY STRONGIN - Security Requirements.


* ACTION - BILL BARNHILL - Ontologies Requirements.


* ACTION - DRUMMOND REED - Legal Requirements.


* ACTION - PETER DAVIS - Registration Requirements.


* ACTION - MICHAEL WILLETT - Privacy Requirements.


* ACTION - ALL to post requirements to any category where they are relevant.


* ACTION – DAVE MCALPIN to prepare a presentation on XRIs and XRI Trusted Resolution, suggesting that it would make a good starting point and "level set" for the f2f.


* ACTION – VICTOR GREY and FEN LABALME to prepare a presentation on Identity Commons real-world experience of creating an early XDI identity service provider and broker implementation.


* ACTION – (CARRIED FORWARD) MARC LE MAITRE to mock up XDI TC Public home page showing what items are intended for the page


* ACTION - (CARRIED FORWARD) MARC LE MAITRE to figure out about box lunches & beignets, speakerphone.


* ACTION – (CARRIED FORWARD) MARC LE MAITRE to send message to the list explaining that one dial-in session will be scheduled during Thursday morning for those who cannot attend in person


* ACTION - MARC LE MAITRE will continue to work on preparations.






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