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Subject: RE: [xdi] Minutes: XDI TC Telecon Thursday 1-2PM PT 2009-04-02

Sounds like an interesting discussion. Do you think the following attributes of my 'subjects as communities' proposal might help:
   .. Every XDI subject or predicate is a community
      .. for subjects rooted in @ global context this is obvious
      .. for subjects rooted in + global context the community is the set of objects that are instances of that concept
            .. I found similarities between + words and Concept Oriented Model (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ConceptOrientedModel)
     .. for subjects rooted in = the community consists either of all versions of that individual, or of the most current version (a community of one)
     .. for xrefs the community definition is completely dictionary dependent
  .. A community of the form (s/p) is the community that is the subset of the p community where every member of the subset has a relationship with one or more members of the members of s. The details of this relationship are TBD topic of further discussion along lines of $has details, but I view it as similar to the 'IN' concept in Concept Oriented Model and view whether it's aggregation or composition as defined by the XDI dictionary description of p. That we're using XRIs to express the relationship I think gets around http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?LimitsOfHierarchies.
  .. So a statement of the form s/p/o then would be stating that o is a member of (s/p)

  .. This means that subjects can be used as predicates, and predicates can be used as subjects.
The concept above of 'subjects as communities' is modified to include the s/p discussions we've had on the list.
I need to flesh this out more and put it onto the wiki for comments. Should I add it to the metadata page  Giovanni created, or should I make it a separate page?  I'm leaning towards a separate page.

From: Drummond Reed
Sent: Sat 4/4/2009 9:35 PM
Subject: [xdi] Minutes: XDI TC Telecon Thursday 1-2PM PT 2009-04-02

Following are the minutes of the unofficial telecon of the XDI TC at:


Date:  Thursday, 26 March 2009 USA

Time:  1:00PM - 2:00PM Pacific Time




Giovanni Bartolomeo

Markus Sabadello

Nick Nicholas

Drummond Reed

John Bradley





Our main topic was discussion the open issues dialog at the bottom of:




Giovanni started with the statement inferred by =abraham/$has/+son, which is =abraham+son/=isaac/=abraham+son=isaac. His first concern is that from an RDF standpoint, the semantics may not be clear. His second concern is that they may conflict with the semantics of the original RDF document.


RE the first concern, we discussed what it means that =isaac appears as a predicate in the statement =abraham+son/=isaac/=abraham+son=isaac. Drummond pointed out that this is a valid RDF statement, however it is not the type of statement for which RDF properties are typically used.


Giovanni said that the problem is that =isaac is an instance, and you can't use an instance as a property. Drummond pointed out that it is common in XDI RDF for a subject to also be a predicate, in fact that is the entire premise of XDI RDF dictionaries: every predicate appears in the dictionary as a subject. He used the example of +email as a subject, predicate and object:








Nick gave the example of putting a person in context, for example, placing =drummond in two different contexts: @cordance=drummond and @oasis=drummond. The $has statement for the first is




This infers the statement




Here is a good example of where =drummond (typically looked at as an “instance”) has a clear use as a predicate identify a specific context for =drummond.


Giovanni then gave two specific examples:





He said that in the first case, the range of +son would be instances of the class +son. Whereas in the second case, the range is another class – a specialization of +son.


Giovanni pointed out that in the first case the object is an instance of the range of the predicate, but not in the second case. So the second case is an exception to the normal behaviour in RDF.


Drummond pointed out that this is the fundamental “extension point” for all of XDI RDF. $has statements are the way of creating all the classes and instances that exist, and the addresses for those classes and instances.


He said this is similar to the concept of defining new names in any language, such as English. For example, “A plane made by Boeing is called a Boeing plane.” That’s how you create the new concept, “Boeing plane”.


RDF does not have such a concept because, to our knowledge, there are not RDF statements that create new URIs. URIs are opaque in RDF. So when i XDI RDF the statement =abraham/$has/+son asserts a relationship of two identifiers that results in a third identifier, we have stepped outside of the semantics that can conventionally be expressed in RDF.


Drummond wondered whether the way to make this compatible with RDF to propose that there is an algorithmic way to extend RDF ranges in XDI RDF, and it is built into all XDI RDF range types. This “range extension algorithm” would be defined as:


      “Any XRI that is a concatenation of XRI A with XRI B is an extension of the range of XRI B.”


This would meet the goal Giovanni suggests of keeping XDI RDF as close to original RDF as possible, without taking away the power of XDI RDF addressing.


We closed by Giovanni saying he would like to propose a different solution for how XDI RDF addressing could work, which will will make the subject of next week's call (and discussion on the list this week if there is time).


# ACTION: GIOVANNI to write up his proposed alternative for XDI RDF addressing.








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