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Subject: Reminder: NO XDI TC TELECON TOMORROW (Friday August 17) OR NEXT FRIDAY (August 24)

Per consensus on the last call, we are taking this Friday and next Friday off for the summer holidays.

But that doesn't mean that XDI work has slowed down. To the contrary, a new proposal was posted tonight:


This is the complete definition of XBNF, a simple way of making ABNF definitions globally addressable (kudos to Marty Schleiff of Boeing for coming up with the concept in 2005). It turned out to be almost trivially easy to define now that we have so much of the other underpinnings of XDI to build on.

In other news, the discussion of multiplicity on last week's telecon was extremely productive. After a lot of analysis, and feedback from Markus and others on the XDI2 project, we concluded that it was not necessary to make a syntactic distinction between entity collections and attribute collections. This eliminates one of the three special multiplicity syntax constructs and leads to significantly simpler XDI statements.

We do still believe that singletons -- both entity singletons and attribute singletons -- require special syntax to distinguish them from collections. I am preparing a revised proposal that reflects this and hope to have it posted tomorrow before I go on vacation next week.

Enjoy your time off,


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