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Subject: Is it a problem that the XDI # symbol will conflict with URI # fragment char?

As part of coming to a final decision about The Great Symbol Swap, I just had a long talk with Peter about his -1 vote. His primary concern is one I share: as attractive as # might be as the popular symbol for a hashtag—and thus generally applicable to the XDI dictionary space—it is also the URL fragment identifier.

This means that when it is typed in a URL, the browser does not send it to the server, but only processes it locally in parsing the returned resource.

So if we expect users to type #words (unescaped) as part of an XDI address into a browser address bar (without a plug-in), they will not be part of the XDI address sent to the server.

This is not a problem if we assume some form of XDI-aware smart client will be used to resolve XDI addresses (e.g., a browser plug-in, a web form submitted to an XDI resolver, a mobile app, etc.), as then all XDI addresses will be automatically URL-encoded.

So, I cast this question out to TC members: is this a problem you are concerned about or not?


On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 5:22 AM, Davis, Peter <Peter.Davis@neustar.biz> wrote:

I remain concerned that we are just relocating the semantic collision from @ to # (both have meanings to the general population outside of XDI).


On Mar 4, 2014, at 03:06 AM, Markus Sabadello <markus.sabadello@xdi.org> wrote:


On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 8:46 AM, =Drummond Reed <drummond.reed@xdi.org> wrote:
Per the minutes I just sent out, I have continued to check with both XDI TC members and others involved in related infrastructure with the following results:
  • There is unanimous support for reassigning + to the legal/business authority namespace (formerly represented by @).
  • There is nearly unanimous support for reassigning # to the dictionary namespace (formerly represented by +) and reassigning @ to the ordered collection member namespace (formerly represented by #).
So this is a call for rough consensus, i.e.:
  1. If you agree with the proposed reassignments in the two bullet points above, reply with a +1.
  2. If you are neutral, reply with a 0 (or don't reply).
  3. If you disagree with these proposed reassignments, reply with a -1.


Peter Davis: Neustar, Inc.
Distinguished Engineer, Director, Neustar Foundry
45980 Center Oak Plaza Sterling, VA 20166

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