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Subject: Re: [xliff-comment] csprd02 - Locale Filter in two places

Yves, all, 

this is now tracked as

TC members should discuss this within the JIRA issue.

Non-members can chime in at


Dr. David Filip
OASIS XLIFF TC Secretary, Editor, Liaison Officer
Spokes Research Fellow
ADAPT Centre
KDEG, Trinity College Dublin
Mobile: +420-777-218-122

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 1:34 PM, Yves <yves@opentag.com> wrote:
The Locale filter data category is listed in two places:

- In section " Locale Filter" as a data category that is not used in XLIFF
- In section " Locale Filter" as a data category defined in the ITS module

I understand the reasoning behind this: If you have a source file with Locale Filter you can either A) create an XLIFF where only
the relevant data are extracted, or B) create an XLIFF file with the ITS metadata.

But I think it is highly confusing to list the data category in both sections.

If Locale Filter attributes can be used in XLIFF then we should have only section We should also have some text at the top
of that section that basically says something like:

- The best way to extract a source file that uses Locale Filter is to create an XLIFF file for each target locale with just the
relevant content.
[This *by far* the recommended option: in the real world very few XLIFF tools will be able to deal with that data category.]

- However, one can also use Locale Filter in XLIFF, and here is how you would do it... [and have the rest of the current section]


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