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Subject: Re: [xliff-comment] Non-normative schemas (license?)



Schema license is very permissive, you can convert it to RelaxNG and even redistribute the RelaxNG grammar. Nevertheless, you should consider that:


  1. Your grammar will not be an official grammar. You can’t consider it as a reliable source for validation.
  2. Validation of XLIFF from XML Schemas, Schematron or RelaxNG does not work. All you can say after validating with XML grammars is that a file is valid XML, but there is no way to say it is valid XLIFF just looking for XML compliance.


Validating XLIFF requires code that performs a detailed analysis and considers things like language code validity, content referencing via fragment identifiers or simply checks all rules written in the XLIFF specification that can’t be transferred to an XML grammar.


If you need to validate XLIFF, use one of the open-source tools that are already available.




Rodolfo M. Raya



From: Kevin Vigouroux <ke.vigouroux@laposte.net>
Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 2:14 PM
To: xliff-comment@lists.oasis-open.org <xliff-comment@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: [xliff-comment] Non-normative schemas (license?)


Is is allowed to deliver non-normative XLIFF schemas? I would like to
convert the official XLIFF schemas into the Relax NG Compact format in
order to be able to validate XLIFF documents using GNU Emacs (a
well-known text editor).

P.S.: I prefer a simple answer rather than being referred to legal

Best regards,
Kevin Vigouroux

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