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Subject: Groups - Event "Regular SC meeting (1st Tues)" modified

Submitter's message
Added minutes based on Lucía's report
-- Dr. David Filip
Event Title: Regular SC meeting (1st Tues)

Date: Tuesday, 04 June 2013, 05:00pm to 06:00pm WEST
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XLIFF 2.0 Progress and Promotion


Attendees:  Bryan, Joachim, Kevin, David, Lucía, Yves



Bryan: I was looking forward to talking about the FTF agenda.

David: What is actually in the agenda is just the logistics framework.

Bryan: what is so far is good. What we did today by assigning duties to features owners it is good work in the good direction. It is a good momentum to make a good progress. 60 comments is more than I expected to received. We expend most of the meeting categorising the comments. A good use of our energy is that we make use of our time to make sure that they are properly addressed.

David: I have already done the parsing of those comments, so that overlaps or conflicts are assigned to same owners. There is potential for discussion on several bigger topics: 1) resegmentation, (related ) the extensibility of segment . Another big topic might be agents and processes classification. Other than these big topics, we should discuss the timeline for progression as an OASIS standard. The reference implementation should be also discussed. This is on the critical path to the progression as a Candidate Standard.


B: there is a friction between reference implementation and Statement of Use. In my mind, a reference implementation is a comprehensive implementation that touches more aspects of the standard and it can be quite ambitious. A Statement of Use would be more realistic to accomplish. It would be useful to distinguish between both.

D: Common sense says that TC should collect Statements of Use that cover the whole spec. The classification of conformance clauses based on agents and processes should help us to collect the right set of Statements of Use. However, this is not the meeting to have the material discussion.

B: It will be in our best interest if we had the benefit the full body reference implementation. This is the kind of discussions that we should have in the FTF meetings.

D: There is one tracked features on the wiki that is outside the spec, the OS reference toolkit, Yves owns it. It is a Google code project based on OKAPI by Yves. Yves, so you care to report progress of this?

Y: it has not been open for several months, because 2.0 was not stable. I have not been working on recently due to lack of time and it is not one of my priorities at the moment. We have now concentrated on 1.2.

D: Should we reassign the toolkit then?

Y: Yes, if you wish

D: Is someone else producing  a generator/merger? LRC developers implemented 2.0 support last week as specified in csprd01, we however do not have a generator, we were going to rely on the toolkit that is now not moving.

K: We are working on something internally, but I am not sure if we can share it for the moment.

D: The sharing is not in the sense of Open Source, but in the sense of demonstrating a Statement of Use and making your outputs available for other agent types to demonstrate the roundtrip. This is anyway your use case.

K: I will try to have an answer for that for the FTF meeting.

D: That would be grand. I will talk to TCD as well, they are generating their XLIFF from RDF and it should not be a big deal for them to switch it to 2.0.

B: This topic can be a good conversion and can go in different directions; the challenge would be to manage it. It will do my best to allocate the time to make the best use of our energy. I think I will prioritise based on the topics that are proposed.

D: The predefined timeframe should be different depending on size and importance. But if we cannot reach a conclusion, we should not spend extra time, but to have an electronic ballot later on. We should not be burning valuable face to face time on endless discussions as in Seattle. We just need to make sure that all sensible options for the ballot are charted as result of the discussion.

B: That makes sense.

D: you did a great job in parsing the comments. It is good to have the summary comments split into issues for handling.

B: We have not split the issues from Martin’s spread sheet.

D: This is OK, he specifically said that the only items that SHOULD be fixed are called out in the body of his e-mail. His issues are substantive, still rather formal, like references etc. so no issue with having not split this one.

B: Another good use would be to make sure that we have a good way to respond to the commenters, so they can be satisfied with our answer. Should all the answers come from me as it has been done until now?

D: It is good that you as the Chair acknowledged receipt to external commenters. However, the assigned owners should respond materially.

To calrify one thing, it is not an OASIS requirement to have commenters satisfied. I think it is a good practise so I added the commenter satisfaction column (as in W3C where it is required). We want our commenters satisfied because we are nice but it is not a big issue if they are not after we have tried.

B: Even if we have a lot of comments, we only have a handful of commenters.

D: The symposium programme is set; there changes in the other tracks will not affect the XLIFF Symposium. [David shares the screen with the program and goes through it http://www.localizationworld.com/lwlon2013/feisgiltt/FEISGILTT_2013_UglyProgram.pdf]. The SDL talk can be a potential statement of use.

J: will there be a generator?

D: I do not think so. Only processing XLIFF 2.0.

B: It will be useful to have a specification and things that it should do.

D: It is a roundtrip thing, a generator and merger. Yours it is about receiving and putting back information from the CMS, so it is a kind of a specialized generator/merger. The question is, how widely the spec is covered.

B: The XLIFF roundtrip takes any XML and transform it into XLIFF and merge it back.

D: I can talk to TCD to see if they can create 2.0 structure. The whole spec including the 8 modules might not be realistic to have in a single case. I believe that it is important for MSFT to have a good generator/merger as they are heading three of the modules.

K: another important point is to have a schedule for all of these activities.

D: We will tackle this in the F2F, and we should come up with a timeline including of course the Statements of Use.

The plan of SDL is to take the result of their Symposium demo and put it in their app exchange platform (SDL OpenExchange), which would be a good dissemination channel for the spec, as it is available for all SDL technology owners.

J: another topic could be how XLIFF should be placed in relation with other container standards.

D: You can see in the programme, that there will be some discussions (in the FEISGILTT program).

J: Do you think that this would be a good discussion?

D: Linport people should recommend XLIFF as the recommended payload format.

D: There is an issue with the container metaphor. It might be more confusing than helping, it for instances mixes process and business level info.

J: Yes, I don’t see really what they mean by container.

D: Let’s see what the discussion will be.

B: What are the expectations are for day 2, the CMS panel? Are we expected to do a demo?

D: the expectation is to give 10 min statement, and 10 min demo per panelist. Confirm that with Dave Lewis who chairs this.

Bryan: I have two platforms

D: Then you should have two statements and two demos, if you want to push anything on the general level, talk to Dave.

D: Meeting adjourned.

Owner: Dr. David Filip
Group: XLIFF Promotion and Liaison SC
Sharing: This event is shared with the OASIS Open (General Membership), and General Public groups. Public Event Link
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  and Liaison SC\nCreator: Dr. David Filip
PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN
SUMMARY:Regular SC meeting (1st Tues)
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  XLIFF Promotion and Liaison SC\nCreator: Dr. David Filip

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