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Subject: [xliff] suggestions for additional values

Hi guys,
Here are my thoughts/suggestions on the current list of suggested values...
Why are we specifying the values here?  If I recall correctly, the current list is made up of Lotus/IBM and Novell requirements only.  They are very specific to their process and probably belong in the extension area (context-typeValueListExt).
I think it is confusing at present; in the working draft, we say "For example, to define if it is a label, or a menu item in the case of resource-type data, or the style in the case of document-related data" and then we go on to give different recommended values (as follows)
Database ??? {To be defined (and all lowercased)}
Element ??? {To be defined (and all lowercased)}
ElementTitle ??? {To be defined (and all lowercased)}
RecordTitle ??? {To be defined (and all lowercased)}
Source file (Proposed value only) John Reid: ??? Novell-specific.
Line number (Proposed value only) John Reid: ??? Novell-specific.
Num params (Proposed value only) John Reid: ??? Novell-specific.
Params notes (Proposed value only) John Reid: ??? Novell-specific.
Length preceded (Proposed value only) John Reid: ??? Novell-specific.
Internal only (Proposed value only) John Reid: ??? Novell-specific.
locale specific
We currently have
new Indicates the counted units are new. For example, translation units that were not in a previous version of the document.
exact-match Indicates the counted units are exact matches. An extact match occurs when a source text of a segment is exactly the same as the source text of a segment that was translated previously.
fuzzy-match Indicates the counted units are fuzzy matches. A fuzzy match occurs when a source text of a segment is very similar to the source text of a segment that was translated previously (e.g. when the difference is casing, a few changed words, whitesapces discripency, etc.).
total Indicates a total count.
CString (Proposed value only) John Reid: ??? Novell-specific.
MsgLib (Proposed value only) John Reid: ??? Novell-specific.
There are many phases that people's translations pass through, we have found the most common to be  NeedsTranslation, NeedsReview, SignedOff.  I think these 3 should be added...
People like to have a count of untranslated words, for review words and signed off words.  This can be calculated based on the state attribute, but should also be available here should people wish to store the count.
needs-translation(not the same as new)
We should make the point under this section that we are not trying to specify a full list of data types here.
We are simply trying to reduce the various ways people will specify the same thing
eg. Cpp, CPP, cpp, C++
Hence we suggest cpp
More suggested values
c# (CSharp)
po (GNU GetText output)
mo (GNU GetText machine object)
csv (comma separated)
ini (ini file)
resources (.NET binary equivalent of .resx)
We should make the point under this section that we are not trying to specify a full list of data types here.
We are simply trying to reduce the various ways people will specify the same thing
eg. combo, combobox, comob-box, ComboBox, Combo-Box
Hence we suggest combobox
This may be somewhat biased in favour of Microsoft development tools ;-)
The following image was taken from the .NET development environment and gives a good list of possible restypes.  Some are already in the list, I suggest that we use the names as MS calls them (some exception - menu for MainMenu, image for PictureBox, treecontrol for TreeView)
So, the entire list would be...
button Indicates a button object, for example a PUSHBUTTON contol Windows.
caption Indicates a caption, such as the caption of a dialog box.
checkbox Indicates check box object, for example a AUTOCHECKBOX control in Windows.
cell Indicates the cell in a table, for example the content of the <td> element in HTML.
dialog Indicates a dialog box.
file Indicates a filename.
fn Indicates a footnote.
footer Indicates a footer.
font ??? {To be defined}
frame Indicates a frame object.
header Indicates a header item.
heading Indicates a heading, such has the content of <h1>, <h2>, etc. in HTML.
keywords Indicates keyword list, such as the content of the Keywords meta-data in HTML, or a K footnote in WinHelp RTF.
label Indicates a label object.
listitem Indicates an list item (an entry in a list).
menu Indicates a menu (a group of menu-items).
menuitem Indicates a menu item (an entry in a menu).
message Indicates a message, for example an entry in a MESSAGETABLE resource in Windows.
radio changed to radiobutton Indicates a radio button object, for example a RADIOBUTTON control in Windows.
shortcut ??? {To be defined}
string Indicates a string, for example an entry in a STRINGTABLE resource in Windows.
var Indicates the text of a variable.
uri (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a URI (URN or URL).
bitmap changed to image or picture (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a bitmap, for example a BITMAP resource in Windows.
icon (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates an icon, for example a BITMAP resource in Windows.
cursor (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a cursor, for example a CURSOR resource in Windows.
edit changed to textbox (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates an edit box object, for example an EDIT control in Windows.
static,  same as label ? (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a static object.
combobox (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a combination of edit box and listbox object, for example a COMBOBOX control in Windows.
scrollbar changed to v-scrollbar and h-scrollbar (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a scrollbar object, for example a SCROLLBAR control in Windows.
listbox (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a listbox object, for example an LISTBOX control in Windows.
pushbox (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a pushbox object, for example a PUSHBOX control in Windows.
groupbox (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a groupbox object, for example a GROUPBOX control in Windows.
accelerator (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates an accelerator object, for example an entry in an ACCELERATORS resource in Windows.
list (Proposed value only) Yves Savourel: Indicates a list (a group of list-items, for example an <ol> or <ul> element in HTML).       
Indicates a label that is also a html link ( not necessarily a URL )   
panel catch all for rectangular areas
like a list box, but has a check box beside each item
treecontrol indicates a hierarchical list of items
tabcontrol indicates layers of controls with a tab to select layers
datetimepicker indicates a date picker control
monthcalendar indicates a calendar control
splitter indicates a splitter bar
numericupdown indicates an edit beside a spin control
trackbar indicates a bar with a pointer indicating a position within a certain range
progressbar indicates a vertical / hotizontal rectangle that gets shaded depending on progress
toolbar indicates an array of buttons
tooltip indicates a popoup tooltip
statusbar indicates a window for providing feedback to use, like a readonly edit.
I think we should pluralise these.  As if to say 'Our sizes refer to pixels' or 'Our sizes are in bytes'
pixel - I suggest pixels
byte  - I suggest chars-8bit
char - I suggest chars-16bit  (allows for 32 and 64 bit if necessary)
dlgunit - I suggest dlgunits
I also would like to add
rows (HTML type way of specifying height of a text area)
cols  ( HTML type way of specifying width of a text area
I think this should be translation-status, however, we can't change that now, correct?
I think we should use the following
needs-review (this means both text and co-ords are for review)
needs-review-textonly (this means only the text is for review )
needs-review-sizeonly (this means only the co-ords are for review)
signedoff ( a definite reviewed / completion status)
I would like to see the two methods of describing co-ords outlined for clarity   
pattern-xycxcy  (x, y, cx, cy)
pattern-tlrb  (top, left, right, bottom)
Thats all for now,


Alchemy Software Development Ltd.
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