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Subject: RE: [xliff] Xliff TC Teleconference Meeting - 15th April 2003

What is the difference between state="new" and state="needs-l10n" or one of the other "needs-" values?
I use an XSLT to extract all the <trans-unit> elements that need to go to the translator by keying on the value of the state attribute. If the values starts with "needs-" then the <trans-unit> is retained. Other values cause the <trans-unit> to be filtered out of the XLIFF document that is going to the translator. I use XLIFF documents to store the text, so the <trans-units> that are added or modified have their state changed to "needs-translation" or other value that starts with "needs-".
Following is the XSLT template used to filter out <trans-unit> elements whose state attributes do not start with "needs-".
<xsl:template match="xlf:body/xlf:trans-unit[not(starts-with(xlf:target/@state, 'needs-'))]">
 <!-- discard trans-unit elements that are already translated -->
The value "new" does not indicate what should happen next. It is ambiguous whether it needs to be translated or not. I would expect one of the following would be used instead: needs-translation, needs-l10n, needs-adaption.
I recommend removing "new" from the list of possible state values.


Doug Domeny
Software Analyst

Ektron, Inc.
+1 603 594-0249 x212

-----Original Message-----
From: Enda McDonnell [mailto:EndaMcD@alchemysoftware.ie]
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 5:44 AM
To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [xliff] Xliff TC Teleconference Meeting - 15th April 2003

Xliff TC Teleconference Meeting - 15th April 2003


3. State Attribute

Enda explained his document/proposal. This basically outlines 3 issues for the TC

    a. Add Finished to the state attribute list?
    b. Split the state attribute value list into two lists, state and state-qualifier?
    c. Move the workflow items to phase.?

Much discussion ensued, the following is the outcome..



It has been decided to add 'final' to the list of state values.

Also, other values have been amended; here is a list of the basic translation states that were decided upon.

new (new item added since last release)
needs-translation (only the text needs translation)
needs-l10n (both text and non-textual information* needs localisation)
needs-adaption (only non-textual information needs adaptation)
needs-review-translation (only the text needs review)
needs-review-l10n (both text and non-textual information needs review)
needs-review-adaption (only non-textual information needs review)
leveraged (indicates a change was made by an automated process
translated (indicates )
signed-off (inidcates that changes are reviewed and approved)
final (indicates the terminating state**)

It is expected that a segment pass through these, or a subset of these states during localisation.

* Non-textual information refers to information such as co-ordinates, font information, mirroring, etc.
** Signed off may also be used as a terminating state


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