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Subject: Re: [xmlvoc] Notes (rough) from Barcelona meeting of XMLvoc

At 23:26 03/06/02 +0200, Lars Marius Garshol wrote:
>| The three chairs agree to ask for psi.xml.org from OASIS
>Was this what we agreed to ask for, or did we want psi.oasis-open.org?
>I really can't remember, and I'm not sure it was all that clear at the
>time, either. :)

We decided to ask for both:

psi.xml.org for XMLvoc, and
psi.oasis-open.org for GeoLang (and PubSubj if it needs to create its own 


Steve Pepper, Chief Executive Officer <pepper@ontopia.net>
Convenor, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC34/WG3  Editor, XTM (XML Topic Maps)
Ontopia AS, Waldemar Thranes gt. 98, N-0175 Oslo, Norway.
http://www.ontopia.net/ phone: +47-23233080 GSM: +47-90827246

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