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Subject: RE: [xri] Replacing me as TC Co-chair

John, thanks for the nomination (and encouragement ;-). Peter, let us know if you will accept.


As John says, “other nominees welcome”.




From: John Bradley [mailto:jbradley@mac.com]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 2:21 PM
To: Drummond Reed
Cc: XRI TC; mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [xri] Replacing me as TC Co-chair




I was unsure if there was something we need to do before the nominating process begins.


As there seems to be none.


I hereby nominate Peter Davis for the position of XRI-TC co-chair,  may god have mercy on his soul.


I encourage Peter to accept the nomination.


Other nominees welcome.






On 6-Jun-08, at 1:41 PM, Drummond Reed wrote:



By my understanding, it’s pretty straightforward – any TC member can nominate any other TC member for the co-chair position. If the nominated member accepts, their name is placed on the ballot. Once the ballot is ready, the TC votes (via an online 7-day ballot), and the nominee(s) with the most votes become the new co-chair(s).


If we have a set of accepted nominations by next’s Thursday telecon, I see no reason why we can’t start the ballot then – if any TC member thinks the nomination process should take longer than another week, let us know by replying to this email.


I’m cc’ing TC Administrator Mary McRae so she can add her usual clarifications, caveats and insights as “oracle of TC policies” ;-)




From: John Bradley [mailto:jbradley@mac.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 12:49 PM
To: Drummond Reed
Cc: 'Gabriel Wachob'; 'XRI TC'
Subject: Re: [xri] Replacing me as TC Co-chair




Andy and I had dinner with Gabe last night. 


He has expressed an interest in expediting the process of replacing him as co-chair.


What is the process that we need to follow to open nominations for the co-chair?


I have encouraged Gabe to continue with the XRI-TC after his departure as co-chair.  We all highly value his contributions.


I think we should honor his request and get on with the process.


I have someone I intend to nominate once that is appropriate,  no not me:)






On 5-Jun-08, at 9:50 AM, Drummond Reed wrote:

Thanks, Gabe. I wasn't sure if we wanted to place this on tomorrow's agenda
tomorrow or not due to everything else we have to discuss in the aftermath
of the vote, but let's put a short discussion of it right at the start so
everyone can be thinking about it.


-----Original Message-----

From: Gabe Wachob [mailto:gwachob@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Gabriel Wachob

Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2008 10:12 PM


Subject: [xri] Replacing me as TC Co-chair


I assume we're having a call tomorrow.


One of the agenda items we *must* discuss is a replacement for me as

co-chair of the TC. I will be stepping down as soon as we decide on

who (if anyone) to replace me.  This has been planned for a while - I

was hoping the successful OASIS vote would make a natural time to

transition out... Oops, that didn't go as plan. But the time for me to

transition is now.


I've spoken to  a number of you about this about this - be thinking

for tomorrow who you'd like to be co-chair (or leave it to Drummond





Be talking to you tomorrow.





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