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Subject: Re: [xri] definition of "XRD Document"

I'm fine with them being "XRD Sequence Documents" or "XRDS Documents", though I prefer the latter just to keep consistency with the use of acronyms and root element names.

I think it's okay (and probably better) for the spec to be clear that the term "XRD Document" refers to an XML document with the root element <XRD>, and that "XRDS Document" refers to an XML document with the root element <XRDS>.

Hope that helps,


On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Will Norris <will@willnorris.com> wrote:

On Jan 15, 2010, at 3:28 PM, Scott Cantor wrote:

> Will Norris wrote on 2010-01-15:
>> This makes it much cleaner to to make <XRDS> support optional in the
>> conformance sections.  However, it also means that a document with a root
>> element of <XRDS> cannot be called an "XRD Document".  It would have to be
>> called something else like an "XRDS Document", although that term is not
>> actually defined or used in the spec (which is probably okay).  I don't
> feel
>> like we reached consensus on the call yesterday, and I'd like to make sure
>> we're all okay with this.
> I intended to use a different name for XRDS, and for conformance purposes I
> left it as XRD Sequence document, I think? Maybe just XRD Sequence? I can't
> recall what I sent you. Either way, I figured using a different name was
> cleaner.

Ah, right... you do actually call them "XRD Sequence documents".  That works.

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