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xslt-conformance message

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Subject: Committed

I agree with the purpose of the XSLT/XPath Conformance TC
as stated.

I understand that OASIS technical committees regularly
meet in person or by phone and that participation in the
XSLT/XPath Conformance TC will require me to attend most
of its meetings.

Based on the estimated meeting schedule, I certify that I have the
means and the interest to attend such meetings and that I intend to do

I understand that the TC cannot transact business in the
absence of a quorum or take action by mail ballot without
the active participation of its members and that
therefore failure to attend meetings and vote in mail
ballots will result in my removal from the committee.  I
promise to submit a letter of resignation to the chair or
chairs of the committee if in the future I find myself
unable to participate actively in its work.

Tony Graham
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
301 315 9632

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