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xslt-conformance message

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Subject: Candidate agenda items

I'd like to suggest that we discuss the following three items at our next

1. Should we publish our catalog of discretionary items in some forum where
XSLT processor developers would see it and would be encouraged to provide
data about the choices they made?

2. Do we want to apply the notion of "categories" to the test cases? The
main reason to do it would be the same reason we categorize tests here at
Lotus: so a person can review all tests in one category as a bundle. We
need to start thinking about what we, as a committee, plan to do about
reviewing test cases.

3. How do we want to measure conformance to errata? I expect to send in a
next-level proposal about test annotation, and it will take a particular
point of view about the effects of errata on assembling a customized test
suite. This issue includes the policy on vagueness.

By the way, as the test-case markup scheme progresses from Straw Man to
Wooden Man, I am nailing down some aspects that were presented as questions
in Straw Man. If you have opinions, send them to me ASAP.
.................David Marston

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