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xslt-conformance message

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Subject: Minutes of November Meeting: 2000-11-13 19:40-21:00PDT

San Jose XML DevCon'2000 - OASIS XSLT/XPath Conformance Voting Member & 
Public Meeting

Meeting 2000-11-13 19:40-21:00PDT

Roll call and quorum
      Lynda VanVleet, Class Integrated Quality, Inc.
      Tony Graham, Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
      Kirill Gavrylyuk, Microsoft Corporation (Observer, 2nd meeting)
      Crisman Cooley, Overdomain (Observer, 2nd meeting)
      G. Ken Holman, Crane Softwrights Ltd. (chair)
    Present by phone:
      David Marston, Lotus Development Corp.
    Regrets received:
      John Robert Gardner, Sun Microsystems
      John Evdemon, XMLSolutions
      Carmelo Montanez, NIST
      Kurt Cagle, Cagle Communications,
      Barry Draper, Informix Software
      Dain Hansen, ecTone
      Karey Leichel, ImagineML

- amendments were made
- motion to accept made by Lynda, seconded by Tony, accepted

Minutes of the last meeting
- review of minutes of October meeting
      - still awaiting amended policy statement authored by JR
      - still awaiting finalization of FTP depository from OASIS
    - motion to accept made by Kirill, seconded by Dave, accepted

Reports of standing committees
   - Comparing Output and the Role of Canonical XML - Lynda, Carmelo
     - considered the question of comparing HTML outputs in an automated 
fashion: rational.com, segue.com, etc. ... but all discussed were thought 
to be quite expensive and not necessarily cross-platform, thus 
inappropriate for users of our test product

Motion to move away from the order of the day made by Lynda, seconded by 
Tony, accepted

Outstanding action items
   - 20000906-ACT-7: (David) model and prototype submitter documents
     - JR and David working on it
     - tin man version not ready yet
   - 20000906-ACT-8: (Tony) model and prototype XML report and exclusion
instance, working with David's results
   - 20000906-ACT-9: (Carmelo) model and prototype rendition control
instance and XHTML production working with Tony's results
   - 20001004-ACT-1: (Carmelo) web site changes per discussion in meeting
(including underscoring on the home page that we do not compete with the W3C)

Agenda items
   - any comments re: specification renditions with clipboard pasting of 
XPath addresses?
     - Ken will await feedback from users
   - use of infoset criteria instead of or as well as canonical XML
     - Kirill to join in discussions of standing committee
   - discretionary items
     - discussion ensued regarding language-oriented facilities and what 
can be expected to be tested against the Recommendations
       - initial version will use only English language but will attempt to 
be extensible for users of the suite to feed back to the group sort results 
for arbitrary languages
       - we will consider any submitted tests for other languages
     - there are 20 characters in Unicode that have a decimal digit value 
of 1, each will need a test
     - we will not include tests of infinite loops
     - generate-id() function can be tested in a limited fashion due to the 
nature of how an implementer can generate the name token
     - standing committee on discretionary items formed with Tony, Dave, 
and Kirill
   - update on errata status
     - XPath errata document dated 2000-09-29 covering issues raised 
earlier by Dave
     - decided that any item clarified by the errata will be marked in the 
suite as requiring support of the errata document to be tested

New and old action items for next meeting
   - 20000906-ACT-7: (David) model and prototype submitter documents
   - 20000906-ACT-8: (Tony) model and prototype XML report and exclusion
instance, working with David's results
   - 20000906-ACT-9: (Carmelo) model and prototype rendition control
instance and XHTML production working with Tony's results
   - 20001004-ACT-1: (Carmelo) web site changes per discussion in meeting 
of 20001004
   - 20001113-ACT-1: (JR) publish the revised policy document
   - 20001113-ACT-2: (Ken) contact OASIS again about depository access

  - many thanks to Camelot Communications (Stewart, Alton, Christine, 
Roseann and others) for the provision of the meeting room, speaker phone, 
and long distance telephone call

Adjournment - moved by Tony - 21:12

G. Ken Holman                    mailto:gkholman@CraneSoftwrights.com
Crane Softwrights Ltd.             http://www.CraneSoftwrights.com/s/
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0   +1(613)489-0999   (Fax:-0995)
Web site: XSL/XML/DSSSL/SGML services, training, libraries, products.
Book: Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath ISBN1-894049-05-5
Article:          What is XSLT? http://www.xml.com/pub/2000/08/holman
Next public instructor-led training:        2000-12-03/04,2001-01-27,
-                                 2001-02-21,2001-03-26,2001-04-06/07

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