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Subject: Minutes for February Meeting: 2001-02-13 09:30EST

OASIS XSLT/XPath Conformance Voting Member Meeting

Meeting 2001-02-13 09:30-17:00EST
(Teleconference from 10:00EST)
NIST North Campus (not the main campus)
820 West Diamond Ave
Gaithersburg, MD

Roll call and quorum
     Kirill Gavrylyuk, Microsoft Corporation
     David Marston, Lotus Development Corp.
     Carmelo Montanez, NIST
     Lynda VanVleet, Class Integrated Quality, Inc.
     G. Ken Holman, Crane Softwrights Ltd. (chair)
     Lofton Henderson (by teleconference)
     Demetrios Ioannides, Michigan State
     Norm Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
     John Evdemon, XMLSolutions
     Crisman Cooley, Overdomain
     Tony Graham, Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
     Dustin Williams, Class Integrated Quality, Inc.

- amended based on input
- motion to accept as amended: Kirill 2nd: Lynda

Minutes of the last meeting
- review of minutes of January teleconference
- motion to accept minutes of meeting: Dave 2nd: Carmelo

Reports of standing committees (deferred to specific action items)
- Comparing Output and Role of Canonical XML - Lynda, Carmelo, Kirill
- Discretionary Items - Tony, Dave, Kirill

Motion to move away from the order of the day: Carmelo 2nd: Lynda

Outstanding action items
   - 20000906-ACT-8: (Tony) model and prototype XML report and exclusion 
instance, working with David's results
     - awaiting progress from earlier project stages
   - 20000906-ACT-9: (Carmelo) model and prototype rendition control 
instance and XHTML production working with Tony's results
     - awaiting progress from earlier project stages
   - 20001113-ACT-2: (Ken) contact OASIS again about depository access
     (see http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xslt/xslt_upload.phtml for page)
     - closed
   - 20010109-ACT-1: (John E.) post comment on W3C notation for errata 
     - comment not seen at this time
   - 20010109-ACT-2: (Kirill) post comments on use of infoset
     - preparations to be presented during today's meeting
     - closed

Agenda items
0. (Ken) Discussion of TC process regarding attendance
    - two meetings out of three triggers letter requiring attendance at 
next meeting
    - question of company voting - only happens at OASIS standardization 
level, committee membership is individual voting
1. (David) Review the state of the Catalog of Discretion
    - forging ahead; committee briefed on progress
    - in process of formalizing names
    - few more items identified in errata
    - work to continue in standing committee
2. (David) Questionnaire for all processor developers about their design 
    - consideration of the grey areas
      - can be categorized like discretionary items with choices that "make 
      - can be labelled by scope related to version Recommendation
    - decision - the scope of each test will be described by the 
Recommendation and either an indication the issue is a gray area or the 
date of the Recommendation document or the modified date of the errata 
document for that Recommendation
3. (David) Idea of a "smoke test" transformation that exercises all aspects 
of XSLT needed to assemble and render the OASIS suite
    - requirements of the XSLT processor used to render a configuration of 
the test suite
    - Carmelo to create the test of sufficiency of the XSLT Processor used 
by the user to render a specific test suite configuration
4. (David) Idea that there is some minimum capacity (e.g., depth of nested 
xsl:if) that is advisable for running the tests. Not to be confused with 
memory usage.
    - where is the line between capacity tests and functionality tests in 
submitted tests
5. (Ken) Discuss committee contribution to WWW-QA Summit 
http://www.w3.org/2001/01/qa-ws/ (Ken has already requested registration 
for the first of the two days; David may be there both of the days)
    - testable statements would have been very useful had they been 
included, but conformance must always look past the statements to see if 
anything might be missing (development committee may have "blind spots" 
that could be discovered by arms-length analysis)
    - conformance group should be able to request the addition of testable 
statements and the clarification of any existing statements that appear to 
be open to interpretation
    - development group should offer an appeal process to address concerns 
of the conformance group (e.g. timing, accuracy, bias, etc.)
    - conformance group plays a similar role during candidate 
recommendation with the objective of finding verbiage to be adjusted
    - action: Ken to draft position paper
    - action: Lynda to post revised article on committee work
6. Begin discussion on submission and review policies
    - question of capacity vs. functionality
    - interpretation handled by W3C, not our committee
    - how to accommodate "should" and "must" regarding eligibility?
    - action: Ken - post initial ideas to list for comment
7. Begin discussion on maintenance
    - action: Ken to approach OASIS regarding the use of CVS or other 
source code control for our later development
    - decision: code control development private to the committee but 
snapshots will be published for public comment
8. Standing committee on comparing output
    - a lengthy and very productive discussion ensued regarding Kirill's 
idea for expressing the desired output from an XSLT processor in terms of 
an XML expression of the information set for the specific output method
    - action: Kirill to document process, Ken to diagram process
9. Review of submitter catalogues
    - Dave solicited comments on existing catalogue proposal
    - discussion ensued
10. Noted by chair that when submitting documents to the committee, would 
the submitter please indicate anticipated actions by committee members

New and old action items for next meeting
   - 20000906-ACT-8: (Tony) model and prototype XML report and exclusion 
instance, working with David's results
   - 20000906-ACT-9: (Carmelo) model and prototype rendition control 
instance and XHTML production working with Tony's results
   - 20010109-ACT-1: (John E.) post comment on W3C notation for errata 
   - 20010213-ACT-1: (Ken) draft position paper to W3C-QA summit
   - 20010213-ACT-2: (Lynda) post revised article on committee work
   - 20010213-ACT-3: (Ken) post initial submission and review ideas to list 
for comment
   - 20010213-ACT-4: (Ken) approach OASIS regarding the use of CVS or other 
source code control for our later development
   - 20010213-ACT-5: (Kirill) document proposed XPath, HTML and text 
information set process
   - 20010213-ACT-6: (Ken) diagram process described by Kirill

Next meeting dates
    - note we have to start planning at least two months in advance in 
order to get conference space where possible
    - possibly March 6, 19:00-21:00CST in Austin at SIGS/101 XML One 
Conference (not at the GCA Knowledge Technologies '2001 conference in 
Austin the same week)
    - request public information meeting in New York at Camelot XML DevCon 
Conference (location of OASIS Annual general meeting)
    - April 18 13:00-15:00EDT teleconference
    - possibly Tuesday or Wednesday May 15/16 in Chicago at SIGS XML One 

  - thank you NIST and Carmelo for hosting the meeting and the assistance 
provided in carrying out the business of the meeting

  - 16:55 - Dave

G. Ken Holman
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
OASIS Contributor Member

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