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Subject: RE: [amqp-comment] amqp over http draft

Thank you, Gordon.

We had the same debate about the subject field content at the F2F meeting. The reason for the prefix is that we also need to know whether it's a 'http' request to which this spec applies vs. any other message sent to the same endpoint. I wanted to avoid using an application-property for that. It's surely debatable whether we need the second indicator for request and response or whether we can infer that from the presence of reply-to/correlation-id, but while we already have the 'http' prefix, I'm not sure that's simpler. 

Question is: How do I clearly flag a message as an http message inside the bare message without having to pollute the application-properties section?

I agree on lowercase conversion. We should indeed leave the method as-is. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon Sim <gsim@redhat.com> 
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 11:54 PM
To: amqp-comment@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [amqp-comment] amqp over http draft

The http:req: and http:rsp: prefixes the http-over-amqp spec draft requires on the subject are ugly and inefficient. They are also unnecessary.

The subject is a status-code for a response which must be a three digit string and although the http spec does not prohibit a three digit method extension I think that possibility can be safely ignored. The presence of reply-to would also indicate a request, and the presence of correlation-id a response.

The method should also *not* be converted to lowercase. Http methods are case sensitive.

Amqp clients and services can then use the familiar methods and status codes regardless of whether the client or service for any interaction is actually using http and bridging where it occurs does not require unnecessary string manipulation.

For once, please err on the side of simplicity!


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