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Subject: Re: [amqp-ms] Re: Reminder: Member Section Meeting (w/ Workshop Notes)
Very good observations and thank you for identifying a route out of the potential race condition between the Steering Committee elections and potential change in size of the committee.The team at the workshop agrees with your assessment of the aspirational nature of the projected TC deliverables. The deliverables were developed on a line item basis and absolutely need to be balanced to reflect the amount of time and resources we can rely on.The call with OASIS on Friday did establish/reaffirm a basic timeframe, of 3 months, to start a TC. The notion of one core and one non-core TC as an alternate consideration is a good and unexplored option. We will discuss the TC formulation as a subject in the Membership Section portion of Wednesday's meeting.Many thanks,MatthewFrom: Andreas Moravec <Andreas.Moravec@deutsche-boerse.com>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 11:09:10 +0200Subject: Re: [amqp-ms] Re: Reminder: Member Section Meeting (w/ Workshop Notes)
and we should prioritise even this smallset (we have just six months left). Here is my proposal:
Regarding notes of last week's workshop.
In the next Steering Committee conference call (Matt will invite) it should be discussed which size is desirable for the future.
If the (potential) change of its size via the Rules of Procedure of the member section can not be done in time for this year's election ballot (which is most likely),
we can simply go the "TAB way" (the overall OASIS Technical Advisory Board), i.e. having less candidates for the ballot than seats are vacant or have to be reelected.
The wish list of TC deliverables: I think this is a fairly big list and I doubt that the aspired states of the documents are realistic for all of them in the timeframe of this year.
Just think of our current TC covering the core specification - seven months elapsed since its setup, we have started with content that was already finished and a document which just needed to be polished up a bit (and some conversion to OASIS standards); now we are at the beginning of the second public review; maybe we have a committee specification in July - this is already fast track because we had the content and the document ready for standardisation.
I think we should come down-to-earth and restrict the list for this year, i.e. it needs to be prioritised (like an agile backlog).
A single additional TC ("non-core") could deliver all future (non-core) specifications and notes (to keep administrative overhead low);
the core specification should stay in the existing TC for maintenance because its charter assures that the core protocol can not be changed easily by interest groups.
We could pick one item from each of the three areas (core extensions, APIs/mappings, transport binding)
1. JMS and WCF APIs (two notes or specifications, definitely needed for further adoption and user acceptance of the core standard)
2. distributed transactions (should help spreading AMQP implementations in complex backend application landscapes)
3. WebSocket / browser support (liaise with browser development? MS, Mozilla, Google, Opera)
Just some thoughts from my side for consideration ...
Matthew Arrott <marrott@novgp.com>
Sent by: <amqp-ms@lists.oasis-open.org>30.05.2012 13:53
ToAMQP Member Section <amqp-ms@lists.oasis-open.org> cc Subject[amqp-ms] Re: Reminder: Member Section Meeting (w/ Workshop Notes)
See attachment
From: Matthew Arrott <marrott@novgp.com>
Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 21:07:10 -0700
To: AMQP Member Section <amqp-ms@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject: Reminder: Member Section Meeting
We are holding a Member Section Meeting, Wednesday, 30 May, at 4pm BST, 11am EDT and 8am PDT.
It was a very success and enjoyable meeting in Newcastle last week. Good progress and momentum was achieved. It is important the Member Section get behind the team and provide the support needed.
On this week's call, we will review the Member Section planning discussions held at the workshop and develop proposals for the Steering Committee to consider at next week's meeting.
The topics for review are as follows. Notes pertinent for this discussion from the workshop will be published prior to the meeting.
AMQP Member Section and Steering Committee
Scope of responsibilities
Optimal size for the Steering Committee
Governance and Execution model
Roadmap of activities
Affiliated AMQP TC Structure
Three TC’s Proposed – viability, timing and structure to be reviewed
1 - Core Extensions
2 - API and Message Model Binds
3 - Transport Binds
Note the conference call details have changed. Many thanks to JPMC for kindly agreeing to support the Member Section and it Steering Committee going forward.
Look forward to see everyone on the call.
[attachment "AMQP-MemberSectionDiscussions-NewcastleWorkshop.pdf" deleted by Andreas Moravec/DBS/GDB]
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