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autorepair message

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Subject: [autorepair] Voting on SC1-D2 and SC3-D1

Dear colleagues,

Item (1):

As was agreed at the last meeting of the TC on 29 November, document SC1-D2
is open for a vote by the autorepair TC.  Accordingly, I would be grateful
to receive your 'yes' or 'no' vote from the nominated representative of your
company or association by 17:00 central European time on Monday 16 December.

Item (2):

Following the meeting of SC3 on 29 November, document SC3-D1 was seen to be
complete and a vote by the autorepair TC was requested.  However, I now
understand that some parties within SC3 have requested some additional
information to be taken into account in document SC3-D1.  Therefore, until
this issue is resolved within SC3, the autorepair TC vote is cancelled until
further notice.

best regards,

Paul Greening

Automotive Unit of DG Enterprise
Rue d'Arlon 88, 2/49
B-1040 Brussels
tel: +32 2 295 9581
fax: +32 2 296 9637

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