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Subject: Report from Business Rules Forum


Just forwarding this for John Evdemon, who has been
kind enough to share the attached with us, with 
of course the disclaimer:
<disclaimer type="legal">
   The thoughts and messages contained in this email do not necessarily reflect
those of my employer.  
</disclaimer>ave, JE

My thanks to John for such an excellent model of 
a conference report - and my initial thoughts are
that participants at this conference may well be
interested in our Choice Point work.

Thanks, DW.

----- Forwarded message from John Evdemon <jevdemon@microsoft.com> -----
    Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 12:58:18 -0800
    From: John Evdemon <jevdemon@microsoft.com>
Reply-To: John Evdemon <jevdemon@microsoft.com>
 Subject: RE: BRF
      To: David RR Webber <david@drrw.info>

Attached are my notes from the recent Business Rules Forum.  Please let
me know if you have any questions - sorry for the delay in getting them
out to you.


Public TripReport - Business Rules Forum 2003.pdf

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