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Subject: RE: [bcm] Fw: [wsbpel] Defining Business Process Fusion

Perhaps the key factors of the service definition model are business
events ( as in , each business event has an agreement specific life cycle
consisting of exclusive business states).

<quote who="Neil Wasserman">
>  Why BPF?   In  fact this may be moving in the wrong direction, i.e.,
business processes
> or
> services defined at too high a level of aggregation impede
> componentization
> and reuse.
> In my view the basic unit of analysis is the "service
> component" defined at a high enough level to be meaningful to the business
> and low enough to be reusable among services and business units.


Carl Mattocks CEO CHECKMi
Operational Intelligence OEM
e-Business Agents
Semantically Smart Compendiums
v/f (usa) 908 322 8715

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