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Subject: Re: [bcm] Applying BCM

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [bcm] Applying BCM

I would agree with looking at Sarbanes Oxley or more likely the Patriot Act to identify a need we can resolve, a need that will directly lead to eprXML, and one that is a good issue for communications to a wider audience than one who might be interested in eprXML initially.
Developing practical solutions to issues that are at the forefront and not yet seen as being solved is an ideal way to focus attention on our efforts. And developing implementable products that are angled at eprXML will provide the momentum that is important when you are trying to convert an audience to unprecedented ways.
We not only want to raise interest but maintain it. The beauty of being able to segue to the work in epXML is it will look as though it was a follow on, even though it was started first. And maybe we can by looking at the legal compliance issue from a broad perspective show, either through eprXML or another application for which we can gin up an interest, that compliance equals good goverance.
I'll volunteer to look at S-O & patriot Act and suggest some targets, I suggest several of us do it, come back with proposals & get agreements.

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