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Subject: References listed on today's teleconference

The Microsoft links:

XML as the Cardboard of the Information Economy by Pat Helland, Mr. Contracts, Schemas and Policies of the SOA World.  Pat was the architect for COM+ after he left Tandem for Microsoft.




There is about three hours of content on MSDN.  Just do an advanced search google on Pat Helland and Service Oriented Architecture


This is really three hours of metaphors to explain SOA to your business analysts.


The problem with the above is no methodology model for switching to new methods of business strategy for the co-creation of value and the use of BCM Choice Point Linking and Switching.  Without a  business strategy mechanism to embed Adaptive Service Generation strategies into the corporate planning process you are going to have a very low reactive change proficiency rather than a high proactive change proficiency.  The Future of Competition by Prakalad and Ramaswamy is going to be a best seller.  Very well written.  Pages 40-41 lay out the use of Choice Point Linking and Switching in the Consumer-Company Interaction.  The Authors define a market as “Co-Creation Experiences of Unique Value in the Context of an individual at a specific moment.”




Enjoy! <Dan/>


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